
This report analyzes water availability across all potentially commercial shale resources worldwide.


Key Findings



  • 38%的页岩资源是在干旱或低到极高的水压力的区域中;

  • 19%的季节性变异性领域为19%;和

  • 15 percent are in locations exposed to high or extremely high drought severity.



  • 页岩气资源最大的前20个国家中有八个面临着干旱的条件或页岩资源所在的高基线水应力;其中包括中国,阿尔及利亚,墨西哥,南非,利比亚,巴基斯坦,埃及和印度。

  • Eight of the top 20 countries with the largest tight oil resources face arid conditions or high to extremely high baseline water stress where the shale resources are located; this includes China, Libya, Mexico, Pakistan, Algeria, Egypt, India, and Mongolia.



  • 38 percent世界上的页岩资源面临着很高的水应力或干旱条件。

  • 3.86亿people live on land above shale plays—increased competition for water and public concern over hydraulic fracturing is more likely in densely populated areas.

  • 在中国,61%页岩资源面临高水分或干旱条件。

  • 在阿根廷,72 percentof shale resources face low to medium water stress.

  • In the United Kingdom,34%of shale plays face high water stress or arid conditions.

Executive Summary

Limited availability of freshwater could become a stumbling block for rapid development of shale resources through hydraulic fracturing. Using information from the Aqueduct Water Risk Atlas, WRI provides the first global and country-specific resource to help stakeholders evaluate freshwater availability across shale plays worldwide.

Innovation in hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling techniques is driving the rapid development of shale resources (which include shale gas, natural gas liquids, and tight oil) across the United States and Canada. Already, known shale deposits worldwide have significantly increased the volume of the world’s natural gas and oil resources. Governments from Argentina and the United Kingdom, to Mexico and China, have started to explore the commercial viability of their shale reserves.

The potential for expansion is huge: known shale gas deposits worldwide add 47 percent to the global technically recoverable natural gas resources, and underground stores of tight oil add 11 percent to the world’s technically recoverable oil.

But as countries escalate their shale exploration, limited availability of freshwater could become a stumbling block. Extracting shale resources requires large amounts of water for drilling and hydraulic fracturing. In most cases, these demands are met by freshwater, making companies developing shale significant users and managers of water at local and regional levels, often in competition with farms, households, and other industries.

尽管专家们认为,关键的环境风险和影响与开发页岩相关,但已经证明了表面和地下水的特定风险和影响。和全球页岩气开发:水的可用性和企业风险, the World Resources Institute (WRI) fills this gap, providing the first publicly available, global and country-specific analysis to help evaluate freshwater availability across shale resources worldwide. Using geospatial analysis to combine indicators from WRI’s Aqueduct Water Risk Atlas and other sources with the locations of shale resources globally from West Virginia University and the National Energy Technology Laboratory, the report:

  • 确定大多数需要政府监督和强大的公司政策的地点,以在页岩开发的背景下正确管理淡水供应;和

  • 告知公司与淡水可用性相关的潜在业务风险,并为公司水管理和早期来源水评估提供案例。

除了从全球角度检查水的可用性和页岩资源开发(图ES1)外,该报告还分析了每个页岩播放中首次用水可用性(在页岩形成中可以商业地提取天然气和石油的前瞻性区域),为11国家:阿尔及利亚,阿根廷,澳大利亚,加拿大,中国,墨西哥,波兰,沙特阿拉伯,南非,英国和美国。WRI根据其技术可回收的页岩资源的规模(由美国能源信息管理局估计),当前的探索性和生产活动,未来发展的可能性以及行业,学术界和非政府组织(NOGGO)专家的反馈,选择了这些国家 /地区。。



1) Conduct water risk assessments to understand local water availability and reduce business risk.



2) Increase transparency and engage with local regulators, communities, and industry to minimize uncertainty.

2.1.Companies can increase corporate water disclosure. By disclosing and communicating their water use and management approach, companies can build trust with financial and river basin stakeholders as they investigate water risks and opportunities. Ongoing disclosure will reduce reputational risks.




3.2。Governments and companies, through collective action, can develop source water protection and management plans. Governments and businesses in the early stages of developing shale resources have a unique opportunity to work collectively with key river basin stakeholders to develop source water protection and management plans that help reduce business risks; promote a shared water sourcing and recycling infrastructure; and improve the sustainable management of watersheds and aquifers.



