
专门了解2015年气候变化协议必威官网是真的吗: Suggestions for the Legal Text with an Explanatory Memorandumoffers a set of ideas for what the international agreement could look like in legal terms and therefore serves as a reference tool for decision-makers on the road to Paris.


COP 21:关键会议

自2011年以来,各国一直在定期开会谈判一项新的国际气候协议,目的是在2015年底通过该协议,在联合国气候变化框架框架公约(公约)第21届当事方(COP)上(COP)必威官网是真的吗) 在巴黎。必威官网是真的吗气候变化现在即将发生。包括极端天气事件在内的天气模式的变化正在影响地球上的每个国家,穷人和脆弱的影响最严重。许多解决方案都可以使用并实施,但是它们尚未按规模或速度部署,以实现有序的过渡到低碳和气候富裕的经济。必威官网是真的吗2015年在巴黎达成的协议是一个至关重要的机会,即明确的信号表明世界将把其经济和社会活动转移到更加友好和可持续的途径上。必威官网是真的吗




Key Themes of the Suggested Legal Text

Long-Term Goals



In order to provide clear signals to government, the private sector, and the public that the low-carbon economy is not simply desirable, but unavoidable, the suggested legal text calls for the following:

  • 长期缓解目标是在本世纪下半叶尽早将所有温室气体(GHG)排放逐出净零。
  • 长期适应目标是减少脆弱性并建立面临气候影响的社区的韧性。必威官网是真的吗该目标应通过所有国家的集体行动来实现。

Implementation of each of these goals would be based on “common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities, in light of different national circumstances.” One interpretation of this could be different phase-out timeframes for developed and developing countries.


The suggested text establishes three five-year cycles related to mitigation, adaptation and support. The cycles are intended to provide predictability by regularly assessing and strengthening countries’ actions to reduce emissions, adapt to climate change, and support low carbon growth in a manner that is fair, equitable and just:

  • 每五年,所有国家应承诺加强其国家确定的缓解承诺,直到实现长期缓解目标。新的或增强的缓解承诺应由独立的专家小组告知,该小组将促进克服障碍的方法,以增强行动并利用缓解潜力。增强的现有或新的经济工具,基于市场和非市场的机制,将使各国能够在实施缓解承诺方面合作。
  • 每五年,所有国家应提交有关其适应工作的陈述,适应委员会将对长期适应目标的进展进行审查,确定国家或地区层面的最佳实践,促进相互学习,并促进实施和支持。国家适应计划将继续发挥重要作用,这些计划应考虑到不同的温度方案(温度升高2°C,3°C或4°C)。
  • 支持方案包括财务,增加能力建设以及技术开发以及支持国家以实现长期缓解和适应目标的行动。每五年,支持包的每个元素都会有评论。
  • 对于这五年的周期中的每一个,各国将提出有关金融的策略,以促进转移和扩大金融的动态过程。对于所有国家,这些策略将涵盖改善国家政策和机构框架所采取的措施;对于接受者国家,这些策略将预测未来的财务需求和国家投资计划;提供和动员财务的国家将指出扩大财务水平的计划和渠道。财务常设委员会将审查并提出有关融资规模扩大和转移以及所需融资的建议。





  • 通过创建一个过程来确定一个可以更系统地为未来周期中的气候谈判提供更多信息的流程来平衡全国确定的承诺和努力的重点。必威官网是真的吗
  • In light of different national circumstances, least developed countries and small island developing States shall have particular flexibility regarding the scope, stringency, form, type, and frequency of their mitigation commitments.
  • 发展中国家政党,特别是发达国家和小岛发展中国家,应有资格支持满足协议要求。一半的公共金融应着重于适应。
  • 在测量,报告和验证框架中,允许发展中国家根据其不同能力实施规定。
  • Competent international and non-governmental organizations, as well as subnational authorities, are encouraged to provide input to the five-year cycles, to encourage procedural equity.

Additional Cooperative Actions and Non-Party Actors

Countries that wish to go further faster are enabled to join together in joint agreements around specific issue areas. Cooperative actions can involve the participation of non-state actors as appropriate. Relevant international organizations and expert bodies outside the Convention are encouraged to take action in line with achieving the long-term mitigation and adaptation goals.



  • Monitoring, Reporting, and Verification (MRV) provisions cut across all the elements of the Agreement and address mitigation, adaptation, and support.
  • 随着时间的流逝,各方都渴望收集和报告2020年之后最健壮和最透明的数据,并在此之后以共同格式报告,鉴于他们各自的民族环境和能力。
  • Developing countries are enabled to participate fully in such an enhanced MRV framework, through the provision of additional financial support, capacity building, and technology development and transfer, as needed, in accordance with varying national circumstances.
  • 建立了促进的实施机制,该机制促进了需要采取其他行动的国家的有效实施,并有助于满足其承诺,从而提高了协议下的问责制。

The full text of the suggested legal text developed by the ACT 2015 consortium can be found after the introduction, below. It is accompanied by an explanatory memorandum that provides additional information on the aims and operation of the proposals presented in the legal text. It is also provided separately in an annex for reference.


  • 吉尔伯托·阿里亚斯(Gilberto Arias)
  • Amal-Lee Amin
  • Yamide Dagnet
  • Cynthia Elliott
  • Jose Alberto Garibaldi
  • 利兹·加拉格尔(Liz Gallagher)
  • Therese Guiao
  • 希瑟·麦格雷(Heather McGray)
  • 伊丽莎·诺斯罗普(Eliza Northrop)
  • 莱拉·普诺(Railla Puno)
  • Ernesto Roessing
  • 乔·塞维特斯(Joe Thwaites)
  • Dennis Tirpak
  • David Waskow