




  • 可再生能源的前所未有的增长和成本提高
  • 改进新技术和能源效率
  • 化石燃料供应和价格的不稳定
  • Growing support from governments and investors
  • 新实体和不同实体的发电


  • Technology and Infrastructure:由于采用了新的间歇技术和分布式生成,因此对网格的复杂性和物理限制增加了。传统的电网正在发展成为一个更复杂的网络,该网络在设计,操作和管理方面变得越来越具有挑战性。
  • Institutional Arrangements:The conventional, central utility model is being challenged by quickening trends toward distributed, on-site, and self-generation. The centralized, top-down approach to operating the grid is being tested and the role of the conventional utility is being brought into question.
  • 电力定价和公平性:由于新一代和网格技术的规模扩大以及向新一代模型转移的规模,引起了电力定价和公平问题,这引起了有关适当和公平的关税,跨补贴和成本负担的问题。


Changes in the sector, driven in part by objectives such as energy security, socio-economic development, increasing sustainable energy, environmental protection, climate change mitigation, public health, and increased public choice, are causing a number of trends: new and disruptive technologies, including variable renewable energy, small distributed generation and storage, are being deployed; new players such as individual homeowners and communities, are arising as legitimate electricity generators; and overall market dynamics are changing with the introduction of policy support mechanisms for clean energy, and increased competition. With these changes a new set of questions are arising regarding technical, institutional, and economic restructuring necessary to integrate these changes, and turn potential system wide threats into opportunities.
