
As different statewide greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction policies continue to emerge in the United States, more and more businesses are calling on the federal government to enact a single, uniform policy. The prospect of complementary policies between different levels of government—as well as the potential for conflicting and even duplicative regulations—could have significant implications for business. This installment of WRI’s “Bottom Line” series explores the fundamental debates about, and potential outcomes of, different degrees of state and federal policy action.







Most energy and environmental issues are currently handled jointly by state and federal government in order to capitalize on their respective strengths (see above), and a cooperative partnership on climate change policy may be similarly beneficial. For example, the federal government may establish a minimum standard that applies to all states but which allows certain states to exceed that standard and push for greater environmental protection if they choose. Such cooperation may provide businesses with a more level playing field than a scenario where states act alone. The history of U.S. environmental policy suggests that some shared role between levels of government is the most likely outcome for climate change policy.


目前,各州有权规范温室气体排放。这可能会根据联邦气候法规的编写方式而改变。必威官网是真的吗For example, federal legislation could explicitly preempt the states’ authority to regulate GHGs through specific mechanisms such as cap-and-trade while allowing them to regulate GHGs through other policy mechanisms such as emissions performance standards for certain types of sources (e.g. limiting the amount of GHGs a vehicle may emit per mile). Federal preemption could also be more expansive by prohibiting states from implementing any policy that regulates GHG emissions regardless of the policy mechanism, or it could go even further and preempt states’ authority to impose policies that directly or indirectly regulate GHGs (e.g. renewable portfolio standards, land use policies where some other activity such as renewable generation is regulated but the result includes GHG reductions). Conversely, federal legislation could explicitly retain states’ full authority to implement and enforce GHG emission regulations. Under nearly any of these scenarios business could be subject to additional state and local regulations, though to differing degrees. The one exception would be full preemption of all state and local policies that directly or indirectly regulate GHG emissions. The ultimate outcome will depend on state and federal legislation that has yet to be enacted. However, it is unlikely that states will be prevented from implementing policies that reduce GHGs from sources not regulated by the federal government.





Can the presence of state policies offer opportunities for businesses?





  • 艾米丽·霍尔·特里米基金会
  • Richard and Rhoda Goldman Fund
  • 罗伯逊基金会
  • 英国全球机会基金
  • Westwind Foundation