
Small businesses are critical yet often overlooked players in climate change adaptation. This report offers specific policy interventions for policymakers, climate finance providers, and large corporations to engage small businesses in adaptation efforts, enabling them to build their own resilience as well as the resilience of their communities.

Key Findings


  • Small businesses are the key to sustainable development and building resilient communities because nearly 60% of employment in developing countries rely on small businesses.
  • In the developing world, many small businesses work in agriculture, which is especially vulnerable to climate change because of floods and droughts.
  • If small businesses are more resilient, then the communities that rely on them are better able to recover from floods, storms, droughts and other extreme events.

Governments have practical, low-cost options for engaging small businesses to adapt to climate change. This report outlines six steps decision-makers can use to select the policy options that will work for their business community. The six steps are:

  1. 吸引利益相关者
  2. 优先考虑弱势部门
  3. 确定驾驶员投资适应
  4. Identify barriers preventing investment in adaptation
  5. 设计干预措施以催化MSE的适应性投资
  6. 实施

The report also offers a menu of interventions that policy makers can choose from to help small businesses build resilience. The menu includes, among others:

  • 为企业提供相关气候风险信息的计划必威官网是真的吗
  • 有关管理气候风险的技术援助和培训必威官网是真的吗
  • Regulatory and fiscal incentives to stimulate risk reduction
  • 补贴和减税
  • Research and development or pilots on climate-related products and services
  • 基础设施公共支出
  • Incentives or support for partnerships and cooperatives
  • 公共风险转移或风险补偿工具



  • 通过支持脆弱社区的韧性,包括建立创新,维护其国家的发展道路
  • Develop policies, processes, and activities to engage MSEs in their countries’ adaptation planning, while making sure to:
    • 在国家适应计划中包容和透明
    • Involve the private sector, especially MSEs and their investors and regulators, from the beginning
  • Educate MSEs about climate risks and about the potential assistance they can receive from public institutions with the support of policymakers
  • 与多边开发银行和非政府组织合作,有能力提供支持和知识,以便:
    • 鼓励跨国公司,金融机构和投资者参与MSE
    • Delegate responsibility to the city and local levels, where public officials have more direct contact with MSEs


  • 通过提供融资和技术援助来增强其弹性,支持供应链中的MSE
  • Provide MSEs in low-income countries with better access to finance for adaptation efforts
  • 在适当的计划,实施和监视的情况下,与公共参与者建立牢固的合作伙伴

Multilateral and bilateral partners应该:

  • Provide financial and technical support for national
  • 充当知识银行,并促进有关成功的商业实践,倡议和飞行员的信息转移到其他适当情况下
  • Support the process of catalyzing engagement in adaptation by ensuring market access for products developed by MSEs in developing countries.
  • Work with their own companies that operate in developing countries and provide financial incentives for them to invest in building resilience of small-scale suppliers in their supply chain
  • 作为沟通者,以告知全球社区有关为气候变化适应MSE投资的乘数效应必威官网是真的吗

Special climate funds应该:

  • 通过为MSE的资助计划扮演催化角色
  • 充当媒人和私营部门适应想法的交换所
  • 通过创建区域或国家网络来支持和补充国家努力:
    • Help MSEs develop product ideas into bankable projects
    • Support capacity development for implementation
    • 将业务与可能的投资者联系起来