



  • 在州一级采用模型规则或类似政策将有助于确保美国达到其2020年和2020年之后的温室气体减少目标。
    • 随着天然气提取的最新提高,主要是由于水力压裂和水平钻探的结合,许多州都在首次面对调节提取行业的需求,而其他州则看到天然气开发的迅速增加。
  • Equipment and measures to prevent or reduce methane leaks can be highly cost-effective. Those leaks contribute to GHG emissions and can be reduced through effective state regulation.
    • 将天然气泄漏降低到总产量的百分之一或更少是一种可实现且具有成本效益的基准,并确保天然气在运输中使用时比柴油燃料和汽油少,用于发电时的煤炭。必威官网是真的吗
    • In order to achieve that one percent benchmark, significant improvements must take place.

    • 在整个州和联邦一级的供应链中,必须成功地对甲烷排放进行。
    • Reducing methane release from Natural Gas sources is doable now and is cost effective.



    Methane emissions are not a new phenomenon, but the pace of natural gas development in the United States has brought much deserved attention to the issue. According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, marketed production of natural gas increased by 44 percent between 2005 and 2014, and is projected to increase another 30 percent or so by 2040. If the United States is to develop its natural gas resource to such an extent, it is imperative to address the air quality, water quality, and climate concerns that such development will bring. Acknowledging the broader environmental impacts of natural gas development, this paper focuses on practical solutions that have been demonstrated to reduce methane emissions significantly without creating undue economic hardship for industry or consumers.

    Through case studies, key recommendations for new rules, and descriptions of best practices, this working paper can help state officials to determine how best to structure future state-level policies—including measures for complying with forthcoming national emissions standards under the Clean Air Act—to reduce methane emissions from natural gas development.