
2013年11月,《联合国气候变化框架公约》(UNFCCC)的当事方将在波兰华沙开会,以继续就2015年新国际气候变化协议进行谈判。必威官网是真的吗A critical component of this new agreement will be the design of national mitigation commitments that outline countries’ emissions reductions after 2020. This is a complex process, involving a significant number of options and a wide range of additional factors Parties will weigh, especially related to the issue of equity. This working paper aims to shed light on how countries can most effectively design their commitments to be “measurable,” which is critical for enhancing transparency, accountability, comparability, domestic GHG management, and accurate tracking of global emissions reductions under the new agreement.




  • To maximize measureable emissions reductions, countries should embrace economy-wide goals. At the very least, countries that set an economy-wide goal for the pre-2020 period should also set one for post-2020. Parties with pre-2020 economy-wide goals include most major emitters, including all Annex I Parties as well as Brazil, Mexico, South Africa, and South Korea, among others.

  • If a country sets a sectoral goal, it should target the highest-emitting sector and achieve meaningful emissions reductions in that sector.


  • 构成目标(无论是在经济范围内还是部门)的承诺应以从基准年或固定水平的减少为单位。对于需要适应短期排放量增加的国家(例如,主要的新兴经济体),基准年或固定水平目标仍应被采用,即使它们是从基准年份增加的排放量增加的(而不是减少)从基准年)。

  • 考虑到与基线情景有关的各种可测量性挑战,考虑强度或基线场景目标的国家应采用强度目标。从长远来看(例如,从2030年开始),具有相对目标的政党应实现绝对目标,这些目标是从基准年份或固定水平目标中减少的。

On the timeframe of the goal:

  • 拥有经济和部门目标承诺的政党应承担多年的目标,而不是单年目标。

  • If emissions growth is necessary for a short period, peak-and-decline pathways are preferable to single year goals because the overall emissions trajectory is made more transparent, and cumulative emissions can be more easily assessed. Peak-and-decline pathways should be designed to ensure that global emissions peak by 2020 and are reduced below 1990 levels by 2030 for a likely chance of limiting warming to 2°C.

On policies and projects:

  • 鉴于与政策和项目相关的可衡量性挑战,当事方应采取努力:采用标准化方法将排放的变化归因于各个政策和项目;在相关的情况下评估和报告从政策和项目中泄漏;并采用促进长期转型的政策,从而导致大量碳密集型部门的大幅减少。


Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) have recognized the need for global average temperature not to rise above 2°C compared with pre-industrial temperatures. In an effort to limit warming to this level, Parties to the Convention have adopted commitments and are now negotiating a new international agreement, to be adopted by 2015, for the post-2020 period. In November 2013, Parties will meet in Warsaw, Poland to continue negotiations on the 2015 agreement.

A central component of the new agreement will be national mitigation commitments undertaken by Parties after 2020, and a number of views have been submitted to the UNFCCC on this topic. While views are diverse, several have converged around the idea that mitigation commitments should be nationally determined, rather than negotiated, in order to encourage participation by all Parties and lead to greater overall reductions in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

