
该事实说明书研究了弗吉尼亚州如何使用其现有政策和基础设施来满足其在清洁能源计划下的排放标准,同时最大程度地降低合规成本,确保可靠性和利用经济机会。在WRI的情况表系列中阅读有关其他分析的信息,How States Can Meet Their Clean Power Plan Targets



  • 活力efficiency goal:Virginia currently has a voluntary goal to reduce electricity consumption by 10 percent below 2006 levels of consumption by 2022.

  • 可再生能源目标:弗吉尼亚州的投资者拥有的公用事业公司可能会参加该州的自愿可再生投资组合标准计划。该计划的目标是到2025年,售出的电力的15%(相对于2007年的销售)来自可再生资源。

  • Increasing use of the existing natural gas fleet:联合循环工厂产生的电力比2012年生产的能力少。经营现有工厂(截至2014年1月,现有的工厂)的产量为75%的容量可能会进一步减少排放。


  • 采用基于市场的碳定价计划,which encourages cost-effective emission cuts and generates revenue that can be used for public investments or reducing taxesThe CPP encourages states to trade credits without formally joining a trading program. Assuming a $10 per short ton price of interstate emissions allowances, Virginia could generate over $100 million in revenues per year on average between 2022–30 from out-of-state sources if it surpassed its CPP target by achieving its clean energy goals and increased its utilization of the state’s existing natural gas fleet.

  • Increased investment in energy efficiency:Virginia’s 2014 Energy Plan指出,强大的能源效率政策可能会使该州的国内生产总值增加2.86亿美元,并到2030年将就业增加38,000个工作岗位。

Virginia has taken some steps to scale up renewable energy and energy efficiency, but a huge opportunity lies ahead to build on its progress and achieve deeper, cost-effective emissions reductions. If it takes advantage of available infrastructure and underutilized clean energy resources, Virginia will be in a good position to surpass EPA’s standards for its existing power plants while maintaining grid reliability。采用EPA的新来源补充标准将进一步激励零碳的生成来源,并确保未来2该州电力部门的排放不会继续增加。这些类型的行动可能会为该州创造新的收入来源,从而增加投资,并使弗吉尼亚州成为清洁能源的领导者。