奥黛丽·达曼(Audrey Damman)是结果管理(MFR)团队的计划协调员。她致力于制定和实施MFR的沟通计划,用于计划,监视,评估和学习的技术支持以及WRI的年度计划。

Prior to joining WRI, Audrey worked as a Research Assistant for the Mekong Culture WELL Project, where she contributed to UNESCO’s Heritage Impact Assessment of the Luang Prabang Hydropower Project and conducted independent research in Northern Thailand surrounding livelihood adaptations to hydrological change along on the Mekong River. She also worked as a farmer at Tres Estrellas Organic Farm in Tecate, Mexico; as an ESL Tutor at the Refugee Development Center; and as an intern for Amartya and Fundación Metáfora, two environmental nonprofits based in Buenos Aires.

奥黛丽获得了学士学位詹姆斯·麦迪逊学院(James Madison College)在密歇根州立大学的比较文化和政治上。她还收到了西班牙语的未成年人,并在国际农业和自然资源方面的应用开发。
