



  1. A national inventory report of anthropogenic emissions by sources and removals by sinks of greenhouse gases (shall be reported by each Party)
  2. 跟踪根据第4条实施和实现NDC取得进展所必需的信息(每一方报告)
  3. 与气候变化的影响和根据第7条的适应有关的信息(必威官网是真的吗应当适当地报告)
  4. Information on financial, technology transfer and capacity-building support provided and mobilized for developing country Parties (shall be reported by developed country Parties and should be reported by other Parties that provide support)
  5. 有关所需和收到的财务,技术转移和能力建设支持的信息(发展中国家政党应报告)


Different modalities, procedures, and guidelines apply for different reporting guidelines. The following figure illustrates the different modalities, procedures, and guidelines for Parties based on whether they are Annex I or non-Annex I Parties under the Convention and whether they are also Parties to the Paris Agreement.


此外,下图显示了现有的INFCC MRV系统和《巴黎协定》的增强透明度框架。

图显示了现有的UNFCCC MRV系统和《巴黎协定》的增强透明度框架。
Source: Dagnet, Y., N. Cogswell, N. Bird, M. Bouyé, and M. Rocha. 2019. “Building Capacity for the Paris Agreement’s Enhanced Transparency Framework: What Can We Learn from Countries’ Experiences and UNFCCC Processes?” Working paper. Washington, DC: Project for Advancing Climate Transparency (PACT)






The first biennial transparency reports (BTRs) are due at the latest by 31 December 2024 (18/CMA.1, para. 3). Parties, except for SIDS and LDCs, will submit their BTRs “no less frequently than on a biennial basis” (1/CP.21, para. 90). For Parties to the Convention and the Paris Agreement, Annex I Parties will submit their final biennial reports by 31 December 2022 and non-Annex I Parties will submit their final biennial update reports by 31 December 2024 (1/CP.24, para. 38). Biennial transparency reports will then supersede the requirements to submit biennial reports and biennial update reports (1/CP.24, para. 39).


The figure below illustrates the latest reporting year for greenhouse gas inventories in BTRs.





For a deeper exploration of the details included in the Paris Agreement Rulebook, the following content seeks to probe the decisions reached by the CMA on the review processes under the enhanced transparency framework. To structure this exploration and provide some guidance for implementation, the discussion is focused on the key questions of who, what, when, and where; for more on this approach, please see the相关方法


The Paris Agreement established two different review and consideration processes: a technical expert review and a facilitative, multilateral consideration of progress (Article 13.11). These processes build off existing processes under the Convention—the International Assessment and Review (IAR) for Annex I Parties and the International Consultation and Analysis (ICA) for non-Annex I Parties.

The technical expert review will review consistency of the information submitted with the guidelines, consider the Party’s implementation and achievement of its NDC, consider support provided by the Party, identify areas of improvement related to implementation, and assist in identifying capacity-building needs for developing country parties that need it in the light of their capacities (18/CMA.1, Annex, para. 146).




In addition, annual greenhouse gas inventories from Annex I Parties may also be subject to a “simplified review.” Under a simplified review, the Secretariat undertakes “an initial assessment of completeness and consistency with the MPGs” (18/CMA.1, Annex, para. 155). Annex I annual greenhouse gas inventories are only subject to a simplified review in years in which BTRs are not due.




  • Make political judgements (18/CMA.1, Annex, para. 149a)
  • 审查NDC的充分性或适当性(18/CMA.1,附件,第149b段)
  • 审查指标的适当性或适当性,以跟踪实施和实现NDC方面取得的进度(18/CMA.1,附件,第149B段)
  • Review the adequacy of a Party’s domestic actions (18/CMA.1, Annex, para. 149c)
  • 审查一方支持的充分性(18/cma.1,附件,第149d段)
  • Review the Party’s determination to apply flexibility, including self-determined estimated time frames for improvements related to capacity constraints (18/CMA.1, Annex, para. 149e)
  • 审查一方是否有能力实施无灵活性的规定(18/CMA.1,附件,第149E段)
  • 如果一方将信息指定为机密(18/CMA.1,附件,第164段),则公开提供信息。






  • 应包括在审查领域中具有公认能力的专家(18/CMA.1,附件,第175段)
  • Shall include experts with collective skills and competences that correspond to the information under review (18/CMA.1, Annex, para. 176)
  • 应包括每个重要的温室气库库存领域的专家,缓解和支持,合作方法和iTMO,以及Lulucf,如相关(18/CMA.1,附件,第176段)
  • At least one team member fluent in the language of the Party under review, to the extent possible (18/CMA.1, Annex, para. 177).
  • Shall include, with a view to achieving balance, experts from developed and developing country Parties (18/CMA.1, Annex, para. 178)
  • 应在可能的范围内包括地理和性别平衡(18/CMA.1,附件,第178段)
  • Shall strive to include experts from LDCs and SIDS when LDCs and SIDS are undergoing a centralized group review (18/CMA.1, Annex, para. 178)
  • 如果同一团队还执行了该党先前的评论(18/CMA.1,附件,第179段),则无法执行评论。
  • Shall include two lead reviewers—one from a developed country Party and another from a developing country Party (18/CMA.1, Annex, para. 181)
  • 应根据现有的UNFCCC程序(18/CMA.1,附件,第182段)参加参加技术专家审查团队的发展中国家政党的专家。







Timeline for Facilitative, Multilaterial Consideration of Progress.



The facilitative, multilateral consideration of progress will take place as soon as possible following the publication of a Party’s technical expert review report through an online portal and during meetings of the UNFCCC’s Subsidiary Bodies. The Subsidiary Bodies usually meet in Bonn in May/June each year and during the COP in November/December.

6.3. Technical Details: Flexibility in the Enhanced Transparency Framework



The Paris Agreement provides flexibility “to those developing country Parties that need it in the light of their capacities” for implementation of the enhanced transparency framework. As Parties developed the modalities, procedures, and guidelines for the enhanced transparency framework, they agreed on the areas for which flexibility is provided.

下表概述了明确提供灵活性的规定。这些MPG规定了那些根据第13条第2款的能力来指定需要它的发展中国家的灵活性,这反映了灵活性,包括在报告的范围,频率和范围内以及范围中的频率和级别。审查中的审查,如第1/cp.21段所述,第89段。表格中的所有文本均由Discy 18/CMA.1抄袭。

灵活性区域(决策18/CMA.1,附件) MPG provision (decision 18/CMA.1, Annex) Those developing country Parties that need flexibility in the light of their capacities with respect to this provision…
关键类别分析段。25 各方应确定下面第二章中提到的最新报告年度的关键类别和趋势评估,通过实施与上面第20段中提到的IPCC指南一致的关键类别分析; […] have the flexibility to instead identify key categories using a threshold no lower than 85 per cent in place of the 95 per cent threshold defined in the IPCC guidelines referred to in paragraph 20 above, allowing a focus on improving fewer categories and prioritizing resources.
Uncertainty assessment段。29 每一方应至少在开始年度和第58段中提到的库存时间序列的最新报告年度以及最新的报告年度报告,并在定性上讨论所有来源和水槽类别的排放和删除估算的不确定性,包括库存总计以及库存时间序列的最新报告年度的不确定性。以下。各方还应估计所有来源和水槽类别(包括总数)的排放趋势不确定性以及在开始年度和最新报告年度之间的趋势和水槽类别(包括总计)的趋势不确定性。1,如上文第20段所述的IPCC指南中所示; […] have the flexibility to instead provide, at a minimum, a qualitative discussion of uncertainty for key categories, using the IPCC guidelines referred to in paragraph 20 above, where quantitative input data are unavailable to quantitatively estimate uncertainties, and are encouraged to provide a quantitative estimate of uncertainty for all source and sink categories of the GHG inventory.
完整性段。32 当估计值在以下考虑方面微不足道时,各方都可以使用符号密钥“ NE”(未估算):仅当可能的排放水平低于0.05%时,类别的排放量仅应视为微不足道在全国性温室气体排放量中,不包括Lulucf或500千氧化碳二氧化碳等效的(KT CO2 EQ),以较低者为准。所认为无关紧要的类别的所有气体的估计排放量总计总计,不包括Lulucf的全国全温室气体排放量的0.1%。当事方应使用近似的活动数据和默认的IPCC排放因子来得出各个类别的排放水平。 […] have the flexibility to instead consider emissions insignificant if the likely level of emissions is below 0.1 per cent of the national total GHG emissions, excluding LULUCF, or 1,000 kt CO2 eq, whichever is lower. The total national aggregate of estimated emissions for all gases from categories considered insignificant, in this case, shall remain below 0.2 per cent of the national total GHG emissions, excluding LULUCF.
Quality assurance/quality control段。34 各方应根据上述第20段中提到的IPCC指南阐述库存QA/QC计划,包括有关负责执行QA/QC的库存机构的信息; […]被鼓励根据上面第20段中提到的IPCC准则详细列出库存质量检查/QC计划,包括有关负责实施质量检查/QC的库存机构的信息。
Quality assurance/quality control段。35 各方应根据其质量清/QC计划和上文第20段中提到的IPCC指南实施并提供有关QC程序的一般库存质量管理程序的信息; […]被鼓励根据其QA/QC计划和上文第20段中提到的IPCC指南,实施并提供有关一般库存质量管理程序的信息。
Gases段。48 Each Party shall report seven gases (CO2, methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), perfluorocarbons (PFCs), sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) and nitrogen trifluoride (NF3)); […] have the flexibility to instead report at least three gases (CO2, CH4 and N2O) as well as any of the additional four gases (HFCs, PFCs, SF6 and NF3) that are included in the Party’s NDC under Article 4 of the Paris Agreement, are covered by an activity under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement, or have been previously reported.
Time series段。57 各方应报告从1990年开始的一致年度时间序列; […]具有灵活性,相反,根据《巴黎协定》第4条的NDC至少报告了其NDC的参考年度/期限,此外,还至少从2020年开始的年度时间序列始终如一。
Time series段。58 对于每一方,最新报告年度的本国库存报告不得超过两年; […]具有灵活性,可以在提交国家库存报告之前的三年中拥有最新的报告年度。
温室气排放减少的估计值段。85 各方应在可能的范围内对上文第82段中提到的表格格式的行为,政策和措施进行预期和达到的温室气体排放减少; […]被鼓励报告此信息。
预测段。92 各方应根据以下第93-101段报告预测; […]被鼓励报告这些预测
预测段。95 预测应从该党的国家库存报告的最新一年开始,并至少延长了明年至少15年的零或五年; […]具有灵活性,至少根据《巴黎协定》第4条将其预测扩展到其NDC的终点。
预测段。102 [reference to paragraphs 93-101] […]可以使用不太详细的方法或覆盖范围报告。
Technical Expert Review段。159 [引用第段。158]一方应接受国内审查:(a)第一份双年期透明度报告;(b)在十年期间至少有两份两年一次的透明度报告,其中一份是双年期透明度报告,其中包含有关该党根据《巴黎协定》第4条实现其NDC的信息;(c)在该党先前的双年展透明度报告的技术专家审查中建议的双年展透明度报告;(d)根据技术专家审查的当事方要求的双年期透明度报告。 […]具有灵活性,可以选择进行集中式而不是国内审查,但鼓励接受国内审查。
Technical Expert Review段。162c 技术专家审查团队应至少在技术专家审查周之前的四个星期向聚会传达任何初步问题。技术专家审核团队可以在技术专家审核周之前或期间请求更多信息。有关当事方应在请求的两周内做出所有合理的努力,以提供请求的信息; […] are instead encouraged to provide the information within three weeks of the request.
Technical Expert Review段。162f The Party concerned shall then be given up to one month from its receipt to provide comments; […]可以灵活地在收到技术专家审查报告草案后三个月内提供评论。
进度的促进,多边审查段。192c 该党应尽最大努力以书面形式回答通过在线平台工作组之前的一个月; […]具有灵活性,而是在工作组会议前两周提交书面答复。



  • 清楚地指出了应用灵活性的规定
  • 简单地阐明能力限制,并指出某些约束可能与几种规定有关
  • Provide self-determined estimate time frames for improvements in relation to those capacity constraints (18/CMA.1, para. 6).




Various elements of the Paris Agreement Rulebook are linked together, both implicitly and explicitly. These linkages build the Agreement’s plan-implement-review cycle and will support the implementation of the Agreement. This discussion details some of the linkages with the enhanced transparency framework, building on the efforts first elaborated inDagnet等。(2017)andDagnet等。(2018),包括来自CMA最终决定的最新信息。




Ex-ante Finance Information.Linkages between the ex-ante communication of finance information under Article 9.5 and the enhanced transparency framework are indirect. Under Article 13, Parties report only on ex-post finance provided, mobilized, needed, and received. Some argue that it would be ideal to conduct comparisons of ex-ante and ex-post finance information. These comparisons, though, are not mandated or requested under either Article 9 or Article 13.

Cooperative Implementation (Article 6).尽管有关第六条的谈判仍在进行中,但已经建立了与增强的透明度框架的联系。决策18/CMA的第77D段1概述了参与合作方法的那些当事方的许多其他报告要求(尽管结构化摘要的详细信息仍在谈判中,第77D段中所述的信息对谈判成果不利,根据第6条)。进一步的联系很可能被定义为第6条上最终确定谈判,包括第6.2条的治理与专家审查之间的联系和第13条技术专家审查。必威官网亚洲体育


Facilitating Implementation and Promoting Compliance.增强透明度框架与第15条专家委员会之间存在直接联系。如果一方未能提交双年展透明度报告以及第13.7和13.9条所需的信息,委员会将开始考虑问题,或者不参与增强透明度框架(20/CMA.1,1,1,cma.1,第22段)。此外,基于根据增强透明度框架准备的技术专家审查报告,委员会在该党的同意下可能会考虑“在提交的信息的重要矛盾和持续存在的情况下……与模式,程序和准则提交的信息”。增强的透明框架(20/CMA.1,第23段)。
