
Parties have only reached partial agreement on NDC time frames in decision 6/CMA.1. Therefore, the following content can only examine the decisions reached and note some of the key outstanding elements in the negotiations. For more on NDC common time frames, please seeDagnet and Cogswell (2019)。为了构建这一探索并为实施提供一些指导,讨论集中在谁,什么,何时,何时何地的关键问题上;有关此方法的更多信息,请参阅相关方法


Decision 6/CMA.1, para. 2 notes that “Parties shall apply common time frames…”



资料来源:图是从Dagnet and Cogswell (2019)



Relevant Decision Possible Implications for the Ongoing Negotiations
巴黎协定,第4条第3款“各方连续确定的贡献将代表超出当时当前国家确​​定的贡献的进展,并反映出其最高的野心。。。”巴黎协定,第4条第9款“每一方应按照决定1/CP.21和[CMA]的任何相关决定,每五年进行一次全国确定的贡献,并由全球股票的结果告知。。。透明 Paragraph 9 does not specifically address common time frames but does provide important information regarding NDCs. Irrespective of the time frame of the NDC, this paragraph notes that NDCs must be communicated every five years. Paragraph 9 should be read in conjunction with Article 4, paragraphs 2 and 3 so that the NDC communicated every five years is a “successive NDC” representing progression beyond the existing NDC.
巴黎协定,第4条第10款“The [CMA] shall consider common time frames for nationally determined contributions at its first session.” This paragraph required the CMA to begin negotiations on the issue of common time frames. A year later, at CMA1-1 in Marrakech, Parties decided to refer the topic to the Subsidiary Body for Implementation for consideration and further deliberations. This paragraph did not prejudge any decision to apply common time frames or to define the length of a time frame. The paragraph only noted that Parties needed to consider these questions.
决定1/CP.21,第23段“要求那些根据决定1/cp.20的全国决策贡献的当事方包含2025年的时间范围,以在2020年之前进行通讯,以沟通全国确定的新贡献,并在此后五年根据第4条第4款,第9款第9款。协议。”决定1/CP.21,第24段也要求那些根据决策1/CP.20的全国决策贡献的当事方包含2030年的时间范围,以在2020年之前进行交流或更新这些捐款,并根据协议第9条第4款进行每五年的贡献。” Paragraphs 23 and 24 have received significant focus in the discussions related to common time frame because of their instructions to Parties on the NDCs to be communicated in 2020 and because of their use of the phrase “time frame.” These paragraphs also suggest that time frames have a distinct end date, by noting “a time frame up to” 2025 or 2030. Paragraph 24 asks Parties to “communicate or update” their 2030 contributions. Paragraph 23, though, asks Parties to communicate a new NDC, but does not specify the time frame for this new NDC. Those who, in 2015, communicated a time frame up to 2025 may be inclined to communicate, in 2020, a time frame up to 2030. These Parties could, however, submit an NDC with a different time frame. In作者的观点,这些段落中提供的说明仅适用于2020年在2020年传达的NDC(由于与1921年的延误有关的延误,可能是在2021年出现的)。此外,尽管这些段落可能会为普通时间范围的讨论提供一些先例,但没有必要对时间范围的实质性决定,以参考或从这些段落中提供的指示进行引用或构建,即对共同的共同决定时间范围不需要遵循与此处介绍的相同公式。在谈判对普通时间范围的决定时,各方不必遵循这些段落中描述的模式。相反,他们可以选择在公共时间范围的决定中使用该语言的元素。
决定1/CP.21,第27段Agreesthat the information to be provided by Parties communicating their [NDCs], in order to facilitate clarity, transparency and understanding, may include, as appropriate . . . time frames and/or periods for implementation . . . ”决定4/CMA.1,第7段决定在传达其第二个和随后的[NDC]时,当事方应提供所需的信息,以确保附件I中所包含的清晰度,透明度和理解,作为适用于其[NDC]的信息。。。”决定4/CMA.1,附件,第2A段“实施时间和/或期限,包括开始和结束日期,符合[CMA]采用的任何进一步的相关决定。” 无论同意什么时间表,各方都需要进行交流。作为对NDCS的清晰度,透明度和理解所必需的信息的一部分,各方需要提供有关“实施时间和/或实施期间”的信息。这是NDC的通信中包含的关键信息。CMA1(2018)的决定比以前的决定提供了进一步的指导,指出当事方应包括其NDC的开始和结束日期。这也是决策语言首次暗示时间范围既有开始日期和结束日期。决策1/CP.21的第23段和第24段先前表明,时间范围将具有结束日期。开始日期,结束日期和实施期并非所有自变量。如果定义了开始日期和实施期限,则最终日期是事实定义的。
决定6/CMA.1,第2段决定该各方应将普通时间范围应用于其国家确定的捐款,从2031年开始实施。” 进入COP24/CMA1,各方有三个关键问题要回答:
  • 是否应该应用普通时间框架;
  • From when the time frames would be applied; and
  • The length of the time frames.

资料来源:桌子的整体复制,并进行了少量澄清。Dagnet and Cogswell (2019)


普通时间范围应应用于“从2031年开始实施”(6/cma.1,第2段)。该决定未指定何时将传达“从2031年开始实施” NDCS。出于上述原因,许多各方认为,NDC将在实施之前五年进行传播(从2031年开始实施NDC将在2025年进行传达)。但是,其他人认为实施将开始关注通信(从2031年开始实施NDC将于2030年进行传达)。决定6/CMA.1没有回答这个问题。



1.2. Linkages with Other Elements of the Paris Agreement

Various elements of the Paris Agreement Rulebook are linked together, both implicitly and explicitly. These linkages build the Agreement’s plan-implement-review cycle and will support the implementation of the Agreement. This discussion details some of the linkages with common time frames, building on the efforts first elaborated inDagnet等。(2017)andDagnet等。(2018),包括来自CMA最终决定的最新信息。


Cooperative Implementation (Article 6).Even though the negotiations are ongoing for both common time frames and Article 6, the decision on common time frames will be linked to efforts under Article 6. The decision on common time frames is likely to define, in part, the period for implementation of NDCs during which Parties may be trading mitigation outcomes. As Parties grapple with the accounting rules and procedures for trading mitigation outcomes, defining NDC periods for implementation becomes extremely important.


全球股票。The global stocktake will consider the “overall effect of Parties’ [NDCs] and overall progress made by Parties towards the implementation of the [NDCs]” (19/CMA.1, para. 36b). These outcomes are to inform Parties as they update and enhance their NDCs (Paris Agreement, Article 14.3). Parties are to communicate an NDC every five years (Paris Agreement, Article 14.9) and each successive NDC is to represent the highest possible ambition (Paris Agreement, Article 14.3). The outcomes of the global stocktake will inform future NDCs. Further, “if all Parties use the same time frame, they will all be at the same point in NDC implementation during the global stocktake. This may facilitate collective understanding on progress made in implementing and achieving NDCs”(Dagnet和Cogswell 2019)
