William D. Ruckelshaus于2019年11月27日去世。他是1970年至1973年美国环境保护署的第一位管理人,并于1983年至1985年再次任职。他还是1996年至2004年WRI董事会主席。

以下是世界资源研究所总裁兼首席执行官Andrew Steer的声明:必威官网手机版

"William Ruckelshaus lived a remarkable life with a deep dedication to the environment and public health. He was a lion of a man, but led with warmth and humility. As the first EPA administrator, he established the agency’s vital role in protecting nature and putting science at the center of policy. His legacy will be long-lasting, as he represented America with integrity and conviction. Bill also raised the bar for corporate stewardship and used his voice to advocate for the environment after his government service.
