WASHINGTON (July 8, 2017)—At theG20 summitin Hamburg, Germany, countries agreed to the official communiqué and all of the leaders except President Trump signed onto the Climate and Energy Action Plan for Growth, demonstrating their commitment to the Paris Agreement on climate change. The G20 communiqué also affirmed that curbing carbon pollution can be accomplished while supporting economic growth and bolstering energy security.

Following is a statement by Andrew Steer, President & CEO, World Resources Institute:

“最终,这是对全球气候行动的支持的国家的滑坡胜利。必威官网是真的吗默克尔总理在集会世界上最大的19个经济体中表现出巧妙的领导才能,以在气候行动背后传达明确的信息。必威官网是真的吗这些领导人知道,转移到低碳未来可以推动长期经济增长,包括过度$23 trillion in investment opportunities in emerging economies alone.

“特朗普总统继续不签署《气候和能源行动计划的增长计划》,这表明政府在这个问题上有多不满。必威官网是真的吗WRI和全球经济与气候委员会的研究越来越多必威官网是真的吗has shownthat smart climate policy promotes more efficiency, job creation, new technology, and a better quality of life, which runs counter to President Trump’sviews.

“Time and again, world leaders have affirmed that the Paris Agreement lays the foundation for a safer and prosperous pathway. In agreeing to the G20 communiqué and Action Plan, these 19 leaders signaled their unmistakable commitment to that brighter future. While the U.S. pushed hard to weaken the communiqué, the Germans, Europeans, and many others stood firm to keep the text tied to reality. The U.S. did manage to work in a reference to the use of fossil fuels, which flies in the face of the urgency of tackling climate change, but no other countries embraced this language.

“Examples of the momentum behind a low-carbon future abound. Indiahas successfully added5.5 gigawatts of new wind capacity in 2017, exceeding its 4 gigawatts annual target. China also recentlydoubled downon its commitment to renewable energy in announcing a $360 billion investment in clean energy by 2020 that will support 13 million jobs. Countries, like France and Norway,are preparing对于没有汽油动力车辆的世界。企业和投资者是stepping upsupport for rapid implementation of the Paris Agreement and recognizing the risks of inaction.
