Washington, DC (April 22, 2021) –今天,作为领导人气候峰会的一部分,一群政府和跨国公司宣布通过加速森林融资来降低排放必威官网是真的吗(叶子) Coalition, which seeks to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions by providing substantial financial support to tropical and subtropical countries that reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation.



注意:WRI不是联盟的成员。WRI高级弗朗西斯·西摩(Frances Seymour)是Redd+ Transactions建筑董事会主席(艺术)管理REDD+环境卓越标准(树木),这是叶子联盟选择的认证标准,以确保减少排放的高质量。

Following is a statement from Manish Bapna, Interim President and CEO, World Resources Institute:

“保护热带森林必须是任何有效的气候行动计划的一部分。必威官网是真的吗Leaf Coalition提供了一种重要的新方法,可以帮助扩展森林保护融资,而无需稀释其他地方的排放量。有了适当的监督和管理,这个联盟可以帮助世界更接近1.5 C的途径。

“叶联盟规定的系统和规模与巴黎协定框架一致,将通过验证独立标准,促进基于森林的高质量排放的减少,艺术树. The LEAF Coalition makes the critical stipulation that参与是加法的对于私营部门,基于科学的排放减少目标。

“这Science Based Targets initiative(SBTi), of which WRI is an anchor partner, requires participating companies to set near-term Paris-aligned targets to reduce emissions across their value chains and encourages investment in emissions reductions to compensate for remaining emissions when they supplement a company’s efforts to reduce its own emissions in line with a 1.5 C trajectory. Coalition members should adopt this standard to ensure these additional investments enhance, and don’t detract from, the overall pace of global climate ambition.

森林可以提供气候缓解的20%必威官网是真的吗needed before 2030, but currently account for less than 3% of climate funding. And, at the same time, tropical forest loss continues to rise.WRI的最新分析显示仅2020年原发性热带森林损失的排放量等同于每年5.7亿辆汽车的排放。
