华盛顿(2017年1月13日) -全世界的城市官员通常缺乏有关其道路网络交通状况的准确,全面的信息。即使对于拥有财务手段的国家,即使可以实时收集数据的道路传感器和其他可以实时收集数据的技术通常也很昂贵。同时,私营部门收集的移动性数据数量已成倍增长,这是商业与政府之间合作的机会,以改善全球出行。

Today, WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities formalizes its participation as a founding member in the开放运输伙伴关系这是一项新的首先倡议,致力于提供开放运输数据,使城市和当地运输机构能够改善有关紧迫行动和道路安全挑战的决策。

Bringing together a diverse set of organizations and companies, the partnership is the result of a new memorandum of understanding (MOU) between World Resources Institute,世界银行,,,,全国城市运输官员协会(NACTO),,,,MAPZEN,,,,,,,,Easy Taxi,,,,le。出租车,,,,Miovisionndrive

Together, ridesharing companies Easy Taxi, Grab and Le. Taxi service millions of people in more than 30 countries. Their participation under the Partnership’s first initiative, Open Traffic, will generate traffic speed and flow data by aggregating and anonymizing drivers’ GPS streams and opening it to the public under an open data license. Miovision, a traffic data collection platform and NDrive, a mobile app development company, will also contribute to the Partnership with their data. Furthermore, WRI Ross Center and partners will collaborate to improve data-driven urban mobility policy through technical programs, research and training programs, and partnerships and discussions with private and public sector entities in the urban mobility sector.

谅解备忘录的签署是在讨论开放运输合作伙伴关系之后进行的转变运输,由世界银行和弗里·罗斯中心(Wri Ross Center)共同主持的年度会议,致力于在全球范围内促进可持续发展。会议上讨论的一个主要话题是建立公私合作伙伴关系的重要性,这些伙伴关系利用和打开私营部门乘车公司通常持有的有价值的数据,例如Easy Taxi和Grab。

优步最近推出它在2017年1月自己的工具,通过其自己的仪表板将公司的全球数据子集提供给公众,该仪表板与开源开放式交通平台有一些相似之处。In comparison, the Open Transport Partnership facilitates mutually-beneficial collaboration between public and private-sector entities, ensuring that critical urban mobility datasets are not curated by a single private entity, and that public sector data requests responsibly respond to companies’ privacy and competitive concerns.

“数据革命正在引起运输部门的巨大创新。数据将是建立未来城市解决方案的基础架构。但是,如果这些数据仍然私有化,那么城市将没有机会利用这一潜力。开放运输合作伙伴关系正是我们需要使数据革命为城市起作用的倡议。” WRI ROSS可持续城市中心全球总监Ani Dasgupta说。

“The amount of data ride-sourcing and new mobility services are producing is unprecedented, and this is not restricted to highly developed cities, but also to cities in the Global South. This means that if cities around the world or facilitating organizations, such as WRI Ross Center, can have access to at least a small portion of this data and draw some insights from it, it will be a huge step in terms of understanding mobility and gaps in accessibility, and moving in the right direction for more evidence-based policies and interventions,” said Diego Canales, Tools and Data Innovation Associate, WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities.