伦敦//华盛顿(2014年9月1日)-联合利华必威官网手机版((WRI) announced a new partnership that will increase transparency in agricultural commodity supply chains with the aim to end tropical deforestation.

森林砍伐对全球气候,当地生计和生物多样性产生了严重的影响 - 对商品业务构成了日益严重的问题。必威官网是真的吗根据数据from the University of Maryland and Google, the world lost 2.3 million square kilometers (230 million hectares) of tree cover from 2000 to 2012, equivalent to 50 soccer fields every minute of every day for 12 years.

The partnership will enable Unilever and its suppliers to use theGlobal Forest Watch Commodities platform监视商品供应区域和加工设施(例如棕榈油厂)周围的森林覆盖范围。这允许更明智的采购决策以及针对可持续性承诺的绩效报告。WRI将不会通过合作伙伴关系获得联合利华的财政支持,该合伙企业今天在联合利华的Partner to Win Summitin Wembley, London, England.

“主要的消费品公司正在醒来,并意识到保护森林并追求可持续的商业战略符合他们的利益。”安德鲁·史蒂尔博士, President and CEO, WRI. “Reducing the risk of deforestation in commodity supply chains greatly reduces risks to reputation and supply chain disruption—it’s also simply the right thing to do. Unilever has been one of the real leaders in this area and we are pleased to have the opportunity to work with them to promote better forest management and business practices. The effect of this partnership will ripple throughout global commodity supply chains.”

Building on Global Forest Watch, GFW Commodities provides a suite of online tools for companies to assess the impact of commodity production on forests using the latest and most powerful data in near-real time. The partnership will help to expand the suite of tools and analyses currently under development for the GFW Commodities platform and will result in additional data, tools and resources available to all users.

联合利华is committed to reducing its environmental impact and ending deforestation across its supply chain through the Unilever Sustainable Living Plan, which sets out to source 100 percent of agricultural raw materials sustainability by 2020, with a strong focus on biodiversity and zero net deforestation.

“联合利华公司坚定地致力于原材料的透明和可持续采购,而GFW商品为我们提供了达到目标的手段。”Pier Luigi Sigismondi, Chief Supply Chain Officer of Unilever. “In today’s world, businesses can no longer ignore the risk deforestation poses to vital ecosystems and people’s livelihoods. We are excited to be partnering with WRI so we can gain more insights into our supply chains. This partnership will bring new focus to see where our risks are highest and to improve forest management.”

“这种合作伙伴关系应为寻求负责任的原始商品(例如亚洲,非洲和拉丁美洲的棕榈油)提供极大的推动力。”Mr. Kuok Khoon Hong,领先的棕榈油加工机和商人Wilmar International的董事长兼首席执行官。“ GFW商品降低了识别森林砍伐风险热点的成本,这是竞争供应商市场成功的关键因素。”威尔马国际(Wilmar International)是世界上最大的棕榈油生产商和商人之一,于2013年12月宣布了他们的“没有森林砍伐,没有泥炭,没有剥削政策”。

For more information, visitcommodities.globalforestwatch.org

图片来源:詹姆斯·安德森(James Anderson),弗必威官网手机版里克(Flickr)世界资源研究所


About Global Forest Watch
全球森林观察商品(commodities.globalforestwatch.org)is a project of Global Forest Watch. Global Forest Watch (GFW) is a dynamic online forest monitoring and alert system empowering people everywhere to better manage forests. For the first time, GFW unites satellite technology, open data, and crowdsourcing to guarantee access to timely and reliable information about forests. Armed with the latest information from GFW, governments, businesses, and communities can halt forest loss. (www.globalforestwatch.org

About Unilever
联合利华is one of the world’s leading suppliers of Food, Home and Personal Care products with sales in over 190 countries. We work with 174,000 colleagues around the world and generated annual sales of €49.8 billion in 2013. Over half of our company’s footprint is in the faster growing developing and emerging markets (57% in 2013). Working to create a better future every day, we help people feel good, look good and get more out of life. Our portfolio includes some of the world’s best known brands, 14 of which - Knorr, Persil / Omo, Dove, Sunsilk, Hellmann’s, Surf, Lipton, Rexona / Sure, Wall’s ice cream, Lux, Flora / Becel, Rama / Blue Band, Magnum and Axe / Lynx - now generate a turnover of €1 billion or more.


联合利华连续14年在道琼斯可持续发展世界指数中得到认可。我们被包括在FTSE4 -Good指数系列中,并获得了最高的环境评分5,从而纳入了FTSE4 -Good环境领导者欧洲40指数。联合利华(Unilever)连续三年被任命为CDP森林计划的部门领导者,并于2014年领导了全球企业可持续发展领导者在全球/可持续发展年度调查中的名单。联合利华(Unilever)在2013年在全球范围内被命名为LinkedIn最受欢迎的雇主。有关联合利华及其品牌的更多信息,请访问www.unilever.com