

As evidence of human-induced climate change mounts, a new global commission launched today will analyze the economic costs and benefits of acting on climate change. The全球经济与气候委员会必威官网是真的吗由14个国家的政府,金融和商业的领导人组成,由墨西哥前总统主持费利佩·卡尔德隆(FelipeCalderón)


委必威官网是真的吗员会主席兼前主席说:“气候影响正在增加,变暖的证据越来越清楚,但是大多数经济分析仍然不能正确地考虑气候变化的风险增加或对其行事的潜在利益。”费利佩·卡尔德隆(FelipeCalderón)。“We need urgently to identify how we can achieve economic growth and job creation while also reducing emissions and tackling climate change.”

The Global Commission on the Economy and Climate is an independent initiative established by a group of seven countries: Colombia, Ethiopia, Indonesia, Korea, Norway, Sweden and the United Kingdom. A partnership of research institutes from five continents will carry out the analysis.

“At a time when governments throughout the world are struggling to boost growth, increase access to energy, and improve food security, it is essential that the full costs and benefits of climate policies are more clearly understood,” said尼古拉斯·斯特恩勋爵, Vice-Chair of the Commission and author of the 2006 Stern Review. “It cannot be a case of either achieving growth or tackling global warming. It must be both.”

除了卡尔德隆总统外,委员会成员(所有人都以个人身份服务)还包括:INGRID债券,Vattenfall的CFO兼副首席执行官;Sharan Burrow国际工会联合会秘书长;海伦·克拉克(Helen Clark), head of the UN Development Programme and former Prime Minister of New Zealand;丹尼尔·医生首席执行官兼彭博社总裁LuísaDiogo, former Prime Minister of Mozambique;S. (Kris) Gopalakrishnan,Infosys执行副主席和印度工业联合会主席;乍得·霍利迪美国银行主席;Sri Mulyani Indrawati,世界银行董事总经理兼首席运营官兼印度尼西亚前财政部长;里卡多·拉各斯,智利前总统;特雷弗·曼努埃尔(Trevor Manuel), Minister and Chair of the Planning Commission and former Finance Minister of South Africa;Takehiko Nakao亚洲发展银行总裁;Paul Polman,联合利华的首席执行官;Nemat (Minouche) ShafikIMF(顾问)副董事总经理;尼古拉斯·斯特恩勋爵, Professor at the London School of Economics; andZhu Levin中国国际首都公司的总裁兼首席执行官。

世界领先经济学家的咨询小组,包括诺贝尔奖获得者丹尼尔·卡尼曼(Daniel Kahneman), will carry out an expert review of the work.



The New Climate Economy project will publish its comprehensive analysis in September 2014, a year before the culmination of negotiations for a new international climate agreement in Paris in 2015. The Commission will then take its findings and recommendations directly to heads of government, finance and economic ministers, business leaders and investors throughout the world.
