华盛顿(2017年3月6日)- 必威官网手机版世界资源研究所(World Resources Institute)很高兴地宣布,莱昂纳多·马丁内斯·迪亚斯(Leonardo Martinez-Diaz)将成为其财务中心的新全球总监,该中心支持金融流量转移以支持可持续发展。Martinez-Diaz最近是美国财政部的副能源与环境副部长。Martinez-Diaz加入WRI的全球管理团队,该团队在其全球网络上设定了该组织的议程。

WRI总裁兼首席执行官Andrew Steer说:“我很高兴Leonardo将领导WRI的研究,分析和公众参与,以释放资金的力量减少全球贫困和恢复维持我们所有人的自然系统。”“财务界正在进行一场安静的革命,因为个人和机构投资者要求对环境和社会风险进行更多披露,并相应地重新平衡其投资组合。莱昂纳多(Leonardo)的猛烈智力和与广泛的金融机构合作的经验意味着,他是在正确的时候在正确的地方加速这场全球金融革命的合适人选。”While at the U.S. Treasury, Martinez-Diaz portfolio included oversight of multilateral climate and environmental funds, directing Treasury’s work on climate finance, and leading on climate finance-related elements of international negotiations, including at the G7, G20, UNFCCC COP, and the U.S. China Strategic and Economic Dialogue. Martinez-Diaz previously worked at USAID, the IMF, the World Bank, and the Brookings Institution. A Marshall, Truman and Luce Scholar, Martinez-Diaz was selected as one of Huffington Post’s “40 Under 40” Latinos in Foreign Policy.

“ WRI拥有非凡的智力火力,一个多元化和充满活力的团队以及全球网络。这些使WRI成为受人尊敬的思想领袖,这使政府和私营部门能够更好地定义,衡量和实现可持续性。” Martinez-Diaz说。“我很高兴成为WRI的财务中心,我们将重点关注金融市场和机构在实现可持续发展以及首先激励它的双重作用上。”

Manish Bapna, Executive Vice President & Managing Director, WRI said, “Leonardo’s work with a wide variety of financial institutions, including his recent service on the board of the Green Climate Fund, has given him valuable firsthand experience with the crucial task of deploying public finance to mobilize private finance for climate action and other urgent needs at the nexus of development and the environment. We are thrilled that he will now use these experiences to advance our mission at WRI.”

