Bacalah dalam Bahasa Indonesia di西尼


雅加达(2015年4月2日) -Indonesia’s annual tree cover loss declined in 2013 to the lowest point in almost a decade, according to new high-resolution satellite-based maps released by全球森林观察, a partnership led by the World Resources Institute. From 2011-2013 Indonesia’s average tree cover loss was 1.6 million hectares per year, indicating the past decade’s surge in tree cover loss may have now plateaued. However, Indonesia’s tree cover loss still remains high compared to other nations, ranking fifth highest among all countries for annual tree cover loss in the period from 2011-2013. The new data sends encouraging signs for Indonesia’s forests, but a longer time frame and additional research is needed to confirm the trend.

“This new data should continue to drive momentum to improve monitoring and management of Indonesia’s forests,” saidDr. Nirarta Samadhi,印度尼西亚WRI的导演。“尽管我们受到这些新数据的鼓舞,但仍有改进的执法和数据透明度,包括政府机构,公司和公民社会之间的合作,以促进可持续性商品,增强森林的暂停和改善合作森林地图。透明

The new data come from the马里兰大学Google, 和represent the largest and most up-to-date global data set for tree cover loss. With the addition of these data,全球森林观察now features tree cover loss data spanning 2000-2013 at a 30-meter resolution. Tree cover loss is a measure of the total loss of all trees within a specific area regardless of the cause. It includes human-driven deforestation, forest fires both natural and manmade, clearing trees for agriculture, logging, plantation harvesting, and tree mortality due to disease and other natural causes.

“This new information tells a very positive story about Indonesia’s forests,” saidSiti Nurbaya,印度尼西亚环境和林业部长。“现在说这是一个确定的趋势还为时过早,该部现在正在研究我们的数字与这一发现相比。如果成立,这可能是一个有力的指标,即印度尼西亚在森林保护方面的重大投资正在得到回报。我们打算采取其他步骤,以确保这些积极的趋势继续下去。”

In addition to an overall decline in tree cover loss, Indonesia’s loss ofprimary forests在过去的30年中尚未清理的天然森林,这是成熟的,在2011 - 2013年间,每年平均降低到平均每年一百万公顷,这是过去十年中最低的。印度尼西亚的主要森林代表了地球上最生物多样性和碳富含碳的森林。全球森林观察合作伙伴是第一个独立生产印度尼西亚主要森林中树木覆盖损失的公共地图的团体,这些群体可独家探讨这些至关重要的地区的近期森林变化。

“Years of patience have finally paid off,” saidAgustin Teras Narang, Governor of Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. “We could not have done this without the support from the government who established Indonesia’s first REDD+ pilot project in Central Kalimantan. But more importantly, it is the constructive engagement between the government, community leaders, and the people of Central Kalimantan that made this effort successful. I do hope that the newly published University of Maryland data can motivate the national government and more local leaders to continue and improve their commitment to protect forests and lead the pathway for a more sustainable Indonesia.”

自从以前研究马里兰州大学和WRI去年出版的印度尼西亚从2001 - 2012年开始迅速增加了印度尼西亚原始森林的损失。原发性森林和整体树木覆盖损失下降的可能原因包括暂停森林转换的新许可证,农产品价格的大幅下降(尤其是棕榈油),企业零供供应承诺以及最容易获得的森林的事实已经清除了。但是,需要进行更多的研究来确认这一转变的潜在驱动因素。

“在过去的12年中,我们已经看到印度尼西亚的主要森林迅速消失,因此,2013年初级森林损失减慢到不到半百万公顷,这是个好消息。”Belinda Margono,马里兰州大学的研究员和印度尼西亚环境与林业部。“但是,清除森林的清除仍然是一个严重的问题 - 在已经以某种方式记录或退化的地区中,有98%的主要森林损失发生。这些森林仍然非常重要,并且包含重要的碳储存,应在子孙后代恢复和保守。”

在全球范围内,全球在2013年损失了超过1800万公顷(69,500平方英里)的树木覆盖率。数据发现,俄罗斯,加拿大,巴西(220万公顷),美国(170万公顷)和印度尼西亚(160万公顷))占2011 - 2013年平均年度树木覆盖损失的前五名国家。仅在2013年,印度尼西亚就经历了十年来最低的树木覆盖损失。

"Halting the loss of the world's carbon-rich forests and peatlands is necessary if we are going to keep climate change at bay," saidTine Sundtoft,挪威气候与环境部长。必威官网是真的吗“新数字使人们有理由希望减少印度尼西亚森林砍伐的措施正在产生积极影响。我希望在新政府下看到进一步的措施和减少。”

The new tree cover loss data was made possible through free public access to satellite imagery provided by the U.S. Geological Survey Landsat program, in partnership with NASA. The new 2013 data is publicly available through maps, data visualizations, and downloads。也可以通过接近实时警报(例如FORMA,Imazon SAD alerts, 和Terra-i alerts

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