Key points:

  • 全球森林手表的新棕榈风险工具可以识别具有高历史森林砍伐且未来森林砍伐的高潜力的棕榈油厂
  • Assessing palm oil mills is an effective way to gauge deforestation risk of the surrounding areas as palm fruit is typically processed within 50km of where it is grown
  • 该新工具提供了近800台棕榈油厂的空前的全球数据集,并允许公司上传自己的数据
  • Initial analysis from pilot testing has already helped identify mills in Unilever’s palm oil supply chain located in areas that may be at high risk of deforestation
  • Palm oil producers and buyers around the world now have an effective method to identify high risk mills and engage with them to further reduce and prevent deforestation

华盛顿(2016年6月8日) -必威官网手机版世界资源研究所发现,分析棕榈油厂附近的森林和人工林可以帮助识别森林砍伐的风险并防止这种风险。今天推出Global Forest Watch Commodities, the new棕榈风险工具will help companies meet their zero deforestation commitments by providing much-needed transparency into the sustainability of the palm oil they buy. WRI conducted an initial analysis of nearly 800 palm oil mills across the world and classified individual mills as having high, medium or low risk of being associated with deforestation. A pilot exercise with Unilever identified 29 high risk mills which, although they represent a relatively small part of their supply chain, will nonetheless be critical for the company’s efforts to reduce deforestation. The analysis is a first indication of the potential risks, to enable Unilever to conduct further in-depth verification, help them prioritize engagement with these mills and work with them to adopt more sustainable practices in order to reduce and prevent deforestation.

许多公司已承诺从其供应链中消除森林砍伐 - 代表400家公司的消费品论坛在2010年宣布了其实现的承诺到2020年零网森林砍伐。很少有公司能将其棕榈油追溯到发生森林砍伐的人工林水平,但是大多数公司都在加工棕榈油的工业厂上有数据。由于必须在收获后立即在工厂加工油,因此WRI确定评估周围地区可以帮助登山处的风险。


公司正在使用新的棕榈风险工具to conduct detailed risk assessments and work together with mills and producers perceived to be at high risk to improve sustainable forest management and reach their deforestation commitments.

Failure to monitor deforestation carries increasing risks for businesses in the palm oil sector. In April, major palm oil supplierIOI was suspended在许多指控侵犯森林砍伐和侵犯劳工权利的指控之后,使用可持续棕榈油(RSPO)认证的圆桌会议。

Palm风险工具是在RSPO在意大利米兰举行的欧洲圆桌会议上启动的,该会议由数百名棕榈油生产商,买家和非政府组织参加。该工具是由世界资源研究所(World Resources Institute)与Proforest和Daemeter合作领导的Globa必威官网手机版l Forest Watch开发的,并由联合利华(Unilever)和其他几家公司合作伙伴进行了试点测试。

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“This is a great example of how data and transparency can drive impact. This tool combines previously unavailable data on where palm oil mills are located around the world and cutting edge satellite monitoring technology to show companies exactly where they should focus their efforts to achieve their sustainability goals. It won’t happen overnight, but this tool can point companies in the right direction.”

Dhaval Buch, Chief Procurement Officer, Unilever
“我们致力于与他人合作,以消除世界商品供应链中的森林砍伐。为此,我们需要确保自己的购买是完全可追溯和认证的可持续性,并鼓励整个行业设定和符合高标准。特别是棕榈油,重要的是要与供应商和专家合作伙伴紧密合作,以确保我们当地拥有强大的可追溯性和风险验证系统。在2016年,我们的Sustainable Palm Oil Sourcing Policywas re-launched with stronger commitments on human rights, smallholder inclusion and traceability implementation. We have also moved forward our target of achieving 100% fully physically certified oil to 2019 from 2020. The PALM Risk Tool will facilitate increased transparency, help us identify high risk mills and support us as we work to drive the transformational change needed in the palm oil industry. This is why we are supporting its development and the further strengthening of the Tool in key areas such as the mapping of National Parks.”

达雷尔·韦伯(Darrel Webber), Secretary General, Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO)
“The RSPO welcomes any effort that can help curb deforestation. This is why the RSPO recently launched RSPO NEXT, a set of additional criteria for palm oil production to help companies back up their no deforestation policies. By combining the risk map analysis provided by PALM Risk Tool and purchasing palm oil from RSPO NEXT-verified growers, companies will be sure that their supply chain is certified sustainable.”