
Editor’s note: The “Better Growth, Better Climate” report, including infographics and other materials, is available atwww.newclimateeconomy.report

纽约/北京/亚的斯亚贝巴/奥斯陆/约翰内斯堡(2014年9月16日) -全球领导人委员会发布的一份重大新报告发现,政府和企业现在可以改善经济增长并减少其碳排放。快速的技术创新和基础设施的新投资使今天有可能在改善经济绩效的同时应对气候变化。必威官网是真的吗

“新的气候经济报告必威官网是真的吗驳斥了我们必须在抗击气候变化或发展世界经济之间进行选择的想法。那是一个错误的困境,”前President of Mexico Felipe Calderón,全球经济与气候委员会主席。必威官网是真的吗“今天的报告详细介绍了有关技术变革如何推动新机会改善增长,创造就业机会,提高公司利润和刺激经济发展的令人信服的证据。该报告向政府和私营部门领导人发送了一个明确的信息:我们可以同时改善经济并应对气候变化。”必威官网是真的吗

The Global Commission on the Economy and Climate由19个国家 /地区的政府,商业,金融和经济学组成24位领导人。由巴西,中国,埃塞俄比亚,印度,韩国,英国和美国的领先研究机构进行了为期一年的研究,世界领先经济学家小组由尼古拉斯·斯特恩勋爵(Lord Nicholas Stern)主持。

Better Growth, Better Climate: The New Climate Economy Reportwas presented to governments and business and finance leaders at a global launch event at the UN headquarters in New York City, attended by United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon. The report arrives just one week before the UN Climate Summit.


“我们现在做出的决定将决定我们的经济和气候的未来。”必威官网是真的吗尼古拉斯·斯特恩勋爵,全球委员会的联合主席。“如果我们选择低碳投资,我们可以产生强大的高质量增长 - 不仅在将来,而且现在。但是,如果我们继续沿着高碳路线沿着高碳路线,气候变化将为长期繁荣带来严重的风险。”必威官网是真的吗

The report finds that there are now major opportunities to achieve strong growth with lower emissions in three key sectors of the global economy – cities, land use and energy. To achieve this growth, governments and businesses need to improve resource efficiency, invest in good-quality infrastructure, and stimulate technological and business innovation.

  • 城市:建立更好的联系,基于大众公共交通的更紧凑的城市可以节省未来15年的3万亿美元投资成本。这些措施将通过较低的排放来改善经济绩效和生活质量。
  • 土地使用:Restoring just 12% of the world’s degraded lands can feed another 200 million people and raise farmers’ incomes by $40 billion a year – and also cut emissions from deforestation.
  • 活力:随着太阳能和风力发电的价格急剧下降,未来15年中新发电的一半以上可能来自可再生能源,从而降低了对高度污染的煤炭的依赖。
  • 资源效率:Phasing out the $600 billion currently spent on subsidies for fossil fuels (compared to $100 billion on renewable energy) will help to improve energy efficiency and make funds available for poverty reduction.
  • Infrastructure investment:新的金融工具可以将清洁能源的资本成本降低20%。
  • 创新:Tripling research and development in low-carbon technologies to at least 0.1% of GDP can drive a new wave of innovation for growth.

The report finds that competitive markets and consistent government policy signals are essential for businesses and investors to create low-carbon jobs and growth. By establishing a strong carbon price and a level playing field through an international climate agreement, governments can unlock new investment and innovation.

“主要公司,聪明的投资者和新一代企业家已经证明了市场如何推动低碳增长,”新气候经济项目全球计划主任杰里米·奥本海姆(Jeremy Oppenheim)说。必威官网是真的吗“但是许多国家的政策不一致,现在正在造成不确定性,损害投资和创造就业机会。企业和投资者需要更清晰的市场信号。”

Better Growth, Better Climate制定了一项详细的10点全球行动计划的实用建议计划,可以同时实现更大的繁荣和更安全的气候。必威官网是真的吗这些措施都将在考虑其气候利益之前为经济带来净福利。必威官网是真的吗



委员会主席费利佩·卡尔德隆(Felipe Calderon)表示:“向领导人的信息很明确。我们不必在经济增长和安全的气候之间进行选择。必威官网是真的吗我们可以两者兼而有之。我们可以选择更好的增长和更好的气候。”必威官网是真的吗

Read the report atwww.newclimateeconomy.report

Additional Quotes

"Our report finds that combating climate change and moving the economy forward can be mutually beneficial. The new climate economy links progress with growth through returns on clean energy investments, green bonds, and other financial and economic innovations.”

- 美国银行董事会主席查德·霍利迪(Chad Holliday)

“Climate change is an immense environmental and economic challenge. In contrast with the financial crisis, we have no ‘climate bailout option’. Putting a price on carbon would be an indispensable first step towards a low-carbon economy. The New Climate Economy report explains how this and other key policies can help us meet our climate goals.”


“新的气候经济报告必威官网是真的吗的基本信息 - 经济增长和解决气候变化必须齐头并进 - 我完全同意。在能源部门,气候政策除非还提供安全的能源供应必威官网是真的吗,支撑国家的增长和发展需求,否则它们将不会成功。除非能量系统也应对环境限制,否则不能安全。我敦促政府仔细考虑本报告中提出的选择,以共同推动经济,社会和环境目标。”

- 国际能源局(IEA)执行董事玛丽亚·范·德·霍文(Maria van der Hoeven)


-Caio Koch-Weser,Deutsche Bank Group副主席


-世界银行董事总经理兼首席运营官Sri Mulyani Indrawati

"We can tackle climate change without compromising world prosperity. To do so we have to invest in growth that is inclusive, resilient and climate friendly. In our role as an insurer and investor, we confront climate risks head on and seek ways to advance the low-carbon economy."

-Michel Liès, CEO, Swiss Re


- 国际工会联合会秘书长Sharan Burrow


- 休斯顿市长Annise Parker市长


新的气候经济必威官网是真的吗is the flagship project of theGlobal Commission on the Economy and Climate。它是由七个国家,哥伦比亚,埃塞俄比亚,印度尼西亚,挪威,韩国,瑞典和英国建立的,是一项独立计划,旨在研究如何在应对气候变化带来的风险时如何实现经济增长。必威官网是真的吗

由前墨西哥总统费利佩·卡尔德隆(FelipeCalderón)主持,由著名的经济学家尼古拉斯·斯特恩(Nicholas Stern)共同主持委员会由19个国家的24名领导人组成,包括前政府和财务部长,领先的商人,投资者,市长和经济学家。已经建议世界领先经济学家小组由尼古拉斯·斯特恩勋爵(Lord Nicholas Stern)主持,包括两个诺贝尔奖获得者。

The research has been carried out by a partnership of leading global economic and policy institutes, including the World Resources Institute (Managing Partner), the Climate Policy Initiative, Ethiopian Development Research Institute, Global Green Growth Institute, Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations, LSE Cities at the London School of Economics and Political Science, the Stockholm Environment Institute, and Tsinghua University. Leading international organizations such as the International Energy Agency, International Monetary Fund, OECD and World Bank have contributed to its work.

The report is available atwww.new必威官网是真的吗climateeconomy.Report



Lauren Zelin,,,,lzelin@wri.org,,,,Tel +1-202-729-7736

谭·科普西(Tan Copsey),,,,tan.copsey@new必威官网是真的吗climateeconomy.net,Tel +44 7879 552390

费利佩·贝尼特斯(Felipe Benitez),felipe.benitez@new必威官网是真的吗climateeconomy.net,电话 +1-202-215-9664