MEXICO CITY//WASHINGTON, DC (September 29, 2016)—Building on the positive impact that CTS EMBARQ Mexico has had in promoting sustainable cities and transport, the organization is now transitioning to becomeWRI Mexico. This will enable the organization to draw on global resources of World Resources Institute (WRI) and address critical challenges in Mexico.

“It is a delight to welcome our Mexico colleagues fully into WRI’s global network. Mexico has so much to teach the world. It was the first emerging country to have national climate legislation, has been a leader in urban mobility, and has long been a leader in sustainable development,” saidAndrew Steer, President & CEO, WRI. “WRI Mexico will be able to draw extensively on WRI’s global research and experience, so we can exchange ideas around cities, climate, energy, forests, and landscape restoration.”

Mexico has been a global leader in climate action and sustainability, including being responsible for reviving the international climate negotiations at COP16 in Cancun. During the G20 meeting in Los Cabos, Mexico’s leaders pushed to elevate the green growth agenda. In 2012, Mexico became the first developing country to generate comprehensive legislation on climate change; and in 2015, the country was one of the first to release its post-2020 climate action plans and commitments to mitigate climate change (INDCs).

The transition from CTS EMBARQ Mexico, a part of WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities, to WRI Mexico is a reflection of the team's ability to have a positive impact throughout the country and the region. Now, fully integrated into WRI’s network, staff will have greater opportunities to find solutions, share knowledge, and expand beyond cities and transport.

“WRI Mexico will build on its successful track record in cities to reach important decision makers. It can also serve a Spanish-language hub on sustainable development issues throughout the Latin American region," said Steer.


WRI has more than 550 experts worldwide, with offices in the China, Brazil, Europe, India, Indonesia, the United States, and now Mexico, along with a presence in 50 countries.

“WRI brings more than 30 years of global experience, together with our 13 years of regional experience to catalyze change through research and partnership with social and governmental organizations to benefit people and the planet,” saidAdriana Lobo, Country Director of WRI Mexico.

13 Years of Improving Cities
在过去的13年中,CTS Embarq墨西哥影响了该国城市的建造方式。从对Metrobus系统的核心Bus-Rapid-Transit的技术支持,到发布建筑物能源的保护守则,以及可持续运输,城市发展,道路安全和创新等领域的其他主要项目。

This work has led to a steady growth of the organization, expanding the range of solutions that have been introduced and implemented. WRI Mexico will build on this experience beyond cities to address issues that are central to WRI’s global work and mission.

The Event
The official announcement of the establishment of WRI Mexico will be held on September 29, 2016 at 19:00 at the Hotel Marquis in Mexico City.

Contact: Jaime Reyes Rodríguez, Communications Manager,,+52 55 3096 5742,+52(1)55 3660 3165。