WRI, UNDP, UNEP and World Bank release major report:Decision Making in a Changing Climate

In light of recent extreme weather events, as well as long-term disruptions related to climate change, a major新报告要求国家领导人采取不同的决策方法。该报告标题为Decision Making in a Changing Climate, explores challenges and offers recommendations for national-level government officials to make informed and effective decisions to respond to the changing climate. The report, produced by the World Resources Institute, UNDP, UNEP, and the World Bank, is the latest edition of the influentialWorld Resources Report.

“Climate change is a vast, complex, and urgent issue for national leaders. What’s clear beyond doubt is that the decisions leaders make today will have a profound effect on their countries’ ability to find real, lasting solutions to adapt to this global crisis,” saidManish Bapna, Interim President, the World Resources Institute. “This report provides decision makers with concepts and information they need – drawn from real world experiences – to make smart choices and ensure that decision making is effective and durable in the light of these challenges.”

气候变化的挑战清楚了,从非洲之角的大必威官网是真的吗规模干旱到记录美国的降雨到巴西的野火。根据全球保险公司的说法Munich Re, there were more than 950 natural disasters in 2010, 90 percent of which were weather related, costing a total of at least $130 billion.

“Climate change is not solely an environmental issue. It is an issue that needs to be taken into account in order to ensure that human development is sustainable over the long term” said奥拉夫·克乔文(Olav Kjorven),开发计划署开发政策局局长。“政府必须立即开始,将气候风险纳入所有部门的计划和政策,包括城市发展,沿海规划,农业,必威官网是真的吗水和林业管理以及电力生产。”

该报告借鉴了35多个国家 /地区的100多名专家的投入,包括12个关于气候变化的创新,现实世界反应的案例研究,例如巴西的野火管理,马里农业的信息共享以及尼泊尔的冰川洪水管理。必威官网是真的吗这些国家证明了一些国家如何应对适应气候变化的挑战。必威官网是真的吗

Yet, adaptation efforts worldwide are still failing to meet the challenge.

“Under present trends, the livelihoods of millions of farmers in Africa, and other people around the world, could be lost due to shifting hydrological patterns, higher temperatures and more extreme weather events,” saidAndrew Steer,世界银行气候变化特使。必威官网是真的吗“这不需要发生。可以以合理的成本制定气候弹性和低碳发必威官网是真的吗展的良好政策。好消息是,非洲和其他地方的许多发展中国家正在采取行动做到这一点。”


  • 尽管气候变化的速度正在加速,但对于某必威官网是真的吗些影响(例如变化的降水模式和海平面上升)的影响却有很大的不确定性;

  • Climate change impacts will not play out on a level playing field; some people are more vulnerable than others; and

  • Climate change demands tough, but transformational changes, especially when faced with choices between short-term and long-term allocation of resources.

The report offers a suite of tools and recommendations for national-level policy makers. These include: tailoring adaptation efforts to address uneven vulnerability among populations, incorporating strategies to balance both short- and long-term policy objectives, and planning for uncertainty and a longer time horizon when making decisions. Important considerations include: early and ongoing public engagement, access to information, effective institutional design, allocation of resources, and appropriate policy tools.

"National, regional and local governments, businesses, and civil society are already making decisions to make the transition to a climate resilient, low-carbon future and build the green economies of the twenty-first century,” saysKaveh Zahedi,UNEP气候变化计划的协调员。必威官网是真的吗“本报告表明,明智的适应投资,例如中国气候弹性农业的投资,越南的红树林修复以及卢旺达的分水岭管理,从粮食安全到海岸线保护方面的多种收益来改善能必威官网是真的吗源供应,并最终帮助建立弹性最容易受到气候变化的社区。”必威官网是真的吗

Decision Making in a Changing Climateis the 13th edition of theWorld Resources Report, a series that has been published over a 25 year period.
