
WASHINGTON (March 23, 2018)—估计有125万人被杀,每年的交通碰撞受伤惊人的5000万人受伤。然而,一项新的研究警告说,在世界各地的城市,道路安全仍然是极低的政治优先事项。在许多情况下,道路安全被认为与其他优先事项直接冲突,例如减少交通拥堵或缩短旅程时间。由海外发展研究所(ODI)和弗里·罗斯(Wri Ross)可持续城市中心领导的新研究发现,可以通过将道路死亡作为公共卫生问题和采取更一体化的道路安全方法,以使道路安全和采取策略的方式来平衡竞争优先事项并挽救生命已经在某些城市工作了。


“We are increasingly equipped with better knowledge about the types of interventions that can reduce fatalities and serious injuries caused by traffic collisions,” said ODI researcherDaniel Harris, one of the report co-authors. “These deaths and their enormous social and financial tolls are not inevitable, yet we have seen little progress.”

The challenge is that both politicians and the public tend to blame individual road users for collisions, rather than policymakers or planners. The report, “Securing Safe Roads: The Politics of Change,” looks at ways to break through politics and bureaucracy, and make road safety a priority for government officials and residents alike. The report recommends:

• Tackling road safety alongside other issues, such as addressing congestion

• Reframing road safety in public debates, making connections with issues that people care about such as the economy, equality and education

• Building alliances at all levels of government: local, regional and national

• Producing a dedicated road safety plan with short, medium and long-term aims and objectives

“It’s clear that there is a political dimension to reducing road deaths,” said authorAnna Bray Sharpin, transportation associate at WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities. “It is important that those trying to improve road safety focus as much on building the political case as on the technical solutions.”


Saul Billingsley, executive director of the FIA Foundation, which supported the project, said: “Road traffic deaths and injuries are not ‘accidents.’ They are the direct consequence of system failures and political choices. This report clearly shows that, when political will is focused on ending needless road deaths, lives can be saved very quickly, but that focus must translate into long-term investment.”

Without urgent action, it is unlikely cities will meet the targets on road safety set out in the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030 and millions more people will die or be injured on the roads.

Read the full report at:www.odi.org/publications/11070-securing-safe-roads-politics-change

Notes to Editors

• The World Health Organization’s (WHO) “Global Status Report on Road Safety 2015” estimates that 1.25 million people are killed and up to 50 million are injured in traffic collisions each year.

• Data published by WHO shows 90 percent of deaths occur in low- and middle-income countries and that poorer working-age males make up the highest proportion of those that are killed.
