The温室气体协议launched two new standards today that will empower businesses to better measure, manage, and report their greenhouse gas emissions.Developed by the必威官网手机版(WRI)和World Business Council for Sustainable Development(WBCSD), the公司价值链(范围3)产品生命周期标准will enable companies to save money, reduce risks, and gain competitive advantages.

“这些标准是业务的突破。公司首次能够衡量和管理其价值链和产品中排放量的全部范围,因此他们可以在减少温室气体时利用新的机会。”Manish Bapna, Interim President, WRI. “Backed by the credibility of the GHG Protocol, the new standards will help move businesses and reporting programs to one harmonized global reporting framework.”


“新标准为公司提供了对制造产品和整个价值链中产生的排放的全面看法。它们将帮助公司做出更好的业务决策并刺激产品和生产方法的创新。”Björn Stigson, President, WBCSD. “In today’s world, it is necessary to understand and measure the costs for production, labor and transportation of products, which become visible and actionable through emissions.”

The公司价值链标准reveals opportunities for companies to make more sustainable decisions about their activities and the products they produce, buy and sell. Large and small companies can look strategically at greenhouse gas emissions across their value chain, showing them where to focus limited resources to have the biggest impacts.

S.C. Johnson全球公司事务,沟通和可持续性高级副总裁Kelly Semrau说:“新的温室气体协议公司价值链标准为企业提供了急需的统一全球方法,以衡量公司价值链和产品温室气体排放。”“我们对新范围3标准的道路测试为我们提供了关键数据,以推动有关减少温室气体的战略业务决策。我们鼓励其他企业类似地采用这种有效的方法来测量整个价值链中的温室气体排放。”

The产品生命周期标准enables companies to measure the greenhouse gas emissions of an individual product. Covering materials, manufacturing, use and disposal, the product standard will help companies improve and design new products, and provide insights for more informed consumer choices.


Already, these new standards are gaining widespread traction:

  • The消费品论坛, representing over 400 consumer goods companies and retailers with a combined 3 trillion dollars in sales, has recommended the new standards be used by members who choose to measure and report scope 3 and product greenhouse gas emissions;

  • 可持续性财团has adopted the Product Life Cycle Standard as the GHG methodology used in their tools to promote product sustainability; and

  • TheGlobal e-Sustainability Initiative,由领先的ICT公司和其他专家组成的联盟正在利用产品标准作为开发ICT产品和服务领域指导的基础。

The Corporate Value Chain and Product Life Cycle Standards were developed with input from business leaders, NGOs, academics, and policymakers. More than 2,300 participants from 55 countries contributed to the process, and60家公司的道路测试the new standards.

“The standards were developed through a global, multi-stakeholder process making them both credible and user-friendly,” saidPankaj Bhatia, Director, GHG Protocol, WRI. “Building on current best practice and extensive input from businesses, governments, and other partners, these standards will be beneficial to businesses and other stakeholders in developing strategies to reduce emissions around the globe.”


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The Greenhouse Gas Protocol是由WBCSD和WRI领导的全球合作。它为可持续的气候战略以及更高效,有弹性和有利可图的组织奠定了基础。必威官网是真的吗温室气体协议标准是用于测量,管理和报告温室气体排放的最广泛使用的会计工具。

The World Resources Institute是一个全球环境智囊团,超越了研究,可以将思想付诸行动。WRI与政府,公司和民间社会合作,为紧急环境挑战建立解决方案。

世界可持续发展委员会is a CEO-led, global coalition of some 200 companies advocating for progress on sustainable development. Its mission is to be a catalyst for innovation and sustainable growth in a world where resources are increasingly limited. The Council provides a platform for companies to share experiences and best practices on sustainable development issues and advocate for their implementation, working with governments, non-governmental and intergovernmental

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