
Hon说:“在乌干达拥有牲畜的十个家庭中,有七个家庭是乌干达人饮食,文化和收入不可或缺的一部分。”乌干达农业,动物工业和渔业部长,穆斯特·姆维西格(Hope R. Mwesigye),合着者绘制更美好的未来:乌干达的空间分析和贫穷的牲畜策略。“这些地图旨在指导政府未来的投资,以减少贫困,同时加强牲畜部门。”

Hon. Syda N.M. Bbumba, Uganda Minister of Finance, Planning and Economic Development, said, “Examining the spatial relationships between poverty; livestock systems; location of livestock services, such as dairy cooling plants; and livestock disease hotspots can provide new evidence-based information to help craft more effective investments and poverty reduction efforts.”

While Uganda’s total agricultural output has declined, livestock figures have increased dramatically in the last decade due to strong domestic and regional demand for livestock products, according to the report.

农业,动物工业和渔业部牲畜健康与昆虫学专员尼古拉斯·考塔(Nicholas Kauta)说:“增加的牲畜生产既带来了乌干达人的经济机会,也带来了更大的动物疾病传播风险。”“本报告中包含的地图将帮助乌干达的领导人了解市场机会,同时,采用适当的健康干预计划的疾病爆发目标。”



John B. Male-Mukasa, executive director of the Uganda Bureau of Statistics, said, “Uganda’s government acknowledges the importance of livestock to the nation’s economic development and food security, and as part of its 2010-2015 National Development Plan, it plans to invest in improved livestock breeds, water infrastructure, and livestock land management. The maps in this report will be useful in identifying the regions where investment is needed most dearly.”
