Former New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson was elected to the Board of Directors of the必威官网手机版,宣布其总统乔纳森·拉什(Jonathan Lash)

“政府理查森(Richardson)带来了数十年的公职人员,外交官和商业领袖的经验,并且一直表现出对环境问题的热情和承诺,这对于促进WRI的目标将是无价的。” Lash说。“我们感谢州长理查森(Richardson)的能源和环境专业知识以及他的国际经验为我们的组织。我们期待他将提供的愿景和领导。”

理查森(Richardson)担任公共服务的众多职务,包括担任美国众议院议员(1983-97),担任克林顿内阁总统(1997- 2001年)的成员,以及新墨西哥州州长(2003- 2010年)。在克林顿政府中,理查森曾担任能源部长1998年至2001年在他推进风,太阳能和其他可再生能源生产的发展,改善了核废料的处置,并监督了90,000英亩的土地回归美国原住民部落,这是有史以来最大的自愿回报之一。


Richardson was elected governor of New Mexico in 2002, and was re-elected in 2006. In 2008, Richardson’s presidential campaign focused on many issues that he had faced throughout his political career— the economy, energy and the environment, foreign policy, education, and immigration reform. Richardson also has vast international experience having served as a special envoy on numerous international missions, including to North Korea, Iraq, Sudan and Cuba.

