
2018年7月10日,曼谷 — Focused on incorporating efforts to address climate change into long-term development plans, representatives of governments, non-state actors and development partners gather today in Thailand to exchange initial ideas and experiences on formulating mid-century strategies for low-emission development.


“我们需要立即采取行动,开始这一旅程,并在长期途径上具有灵活性,以避免锁定碳密集型途径或可能不符合我们经济目标的途径,” Ron Benioff指导,低级联合导演罗恩·贝尼奥夫(Ron Benioff)发展策略全球合作伙伴关系。

开发计划署的气候变化负责人斯蒂芬·戈德(Stephen G必威官网是真的吗old)与这种情绪相符,强调“对长期策略的讨论的时机是合适的。这些策略可以帮助各国确保2030年的可持续发展目标和长期气候目标都完全嵌入了国家发展计划过​​程中。”必威官网是真的吗

为期两天的聚会由2050 Pathways平台,LED全球合作伙伴关系,NDC合作伙伴关系,联合国发展计划(UNDP)和世界资源研究所(WRI)与联合国气候变化(UNFCCC)合作。必威官网手机版必威官网是真的吗参与者分享了经验,最佳实践和专家观点,同时建立了从业者社区和所有国家都可以从中受益的知识。


该研讨会为各国提供了一个机会,就这些世纪中叶策略并分享经验的关键构建基础进行头脑风暴。 “Countries have to deal with similar issues: how to build a grid that can integrates 100 % renewable energy, how to deal with employment shifts, how to use land – for food, energy or carbon removal. Now is the time for all countries to start working on what it means for them to respond to the climate challenge while deciding what kind of development they want for their economy and their people, ensuring the 2050 strategy addresses national priorities”, noted Laurence Tubiana, Convener of the 2050 Pathways Platform and CEO, European Climate Foundation.

2015年,近200个国家通过提交第一轮国家气候承诺以减少排放并适应气候变化,迈出了限制全球温度升高至2°C的关键一步。必威官网是真的吗各国的气候目标嵌入了这必威官网是真的吗些承诺中,应每五年增加一次,并需要长期,整个社会的方法才能过渡到低碳和弹性的发展途径。 “While the 2050 Strategies are not mandatory under the Paris agreement, everybody needs to work together because we need this long-term perspective to make the Paris Agreement a reality”, stated Martin Frick, Senior Director, UN Climate Change.

现在,现在有机会为指导下一代气候和发展计划的低碳发展途径制定长期愿景。必威官网是真的吗 “The 2020 due date for the first round of country commitments is quickly approaching, and if countries can have their Long-Term Strategies ready, they will be able to demonstrate increased ambition in the next round of national climate plans,” said Pablo Vieira, Global Director of the NDC Partnership, who along with the other organizers hope that the countries leave the workshop with a clear understanding of how Long-Term Strategies can help guide the global transition towards a low-carbon development pathway.
