The full audio of the press call is available below.

As China’s government prepares for a leadership change in November, many people are wondering what this will mean for key issues, including energy and climate.

The World Resources Institute has gathered leading experts from think tanks and academia to discuss the implications of China’s upcoming transition for U.S.-China relations, clean energy, coal, climate change, and more. They will also put these issues in context for U.S. policymakers.

The speakers are part of ChinaFAQs, a WRI-led network of independent China experts assembled to provide insight and analysis for U.S. policymakers around climate and energy issues.

The press teleconference is timed with abriefingthe same day on Capitol Hill called, “Why China Is Acting on Clean Energy” (Russell Senate Office Building, Room 385; 11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.).

The full audio of the press call is attached.Speakers start at 5:05.

Press teleconference on energy and climate issues related to China’s leadership transition

Joanna Lewis, assistant professor of Science, Technology and International Affairs (STIA), Georgetown University's Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service

Kenneth Lieberthal, senior fellow, Foreign Policy and Global Economy and Development at Brookings

Deborah Seligsohn, senior advisor, Climate and Energy Program, World Resources Institute

Ailun Yang, senior associate, Climate and Energy Program, World Resources Institute

Friday, October 12, 2012

9:30 a.m. EST (DC time)

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