研究shows that developing countrieswill need about $531 billion每年对清洁能源技术的额外投资,以将全球温度升高到工业前水平高2°C,从而阻止气候变化的最严重影响。必威官网是真的吗在发达国家have pledgedto provide $100 billion of climate finance per year, this amount is well below what’s needed to help developing nations mitigate and adapt to climate change.

So how can countries bridge this funding gap? The answer lies in part on how well developing countries implement “readiness” activities, as well how effectively developed nations and international institutions like the绿色气候基金必威官网是真的吗(GCF)can mobilize finance to support them.

这Need for Readiness

为了吸引所需规模的投资,发展中国家政府必须提供一个有吸引力的投资氛围 - 一种鼓励公众和必威官网是真的吗私营部门投资者将他们的资金投入到气候友好的项目中,例如太阳能和必威官网是真的吗风能。最终,发达国家需要为财务和技术支持提供“readiness” activities这为上述投资创造了正确的条件。准备包括任何使一个国家更好地定位以吸引对气候友好项目或技术的投资的活动。必威官网是真的吗一些例子包括:制定一项促进工业能源效率的政策;通过一项法律,赋予新的或现有的机构促进可再生能源的任务;对一个国家的风能资源进行评估;或增强银行贷款的能力小型企业in low-carbon sectors. International institutions例如GCF可以在支持准备活动中发挥重要作用,从而帮助发展中国家吸引这些投资,以帮助他们过渡到低碳,气候硫化的发展道路。必威官网是真的吗

Learn More About the Green Climate Fund


  • 2012年绿色气候基金的优先事项必威官网是真的吗

  • What's Next for the Green Climate Fund?

  • Why Is Choosing a Host Country for the Green Climate Fund Such an Important Decision?

  • 这绿色气候基金必威官网是真的吗Board Meeting: Highs, Lows, and a Host Country


Supporting readiness activities is a topic on the agenda of the GCF Board’s third meeting, to be held in Berlin, Germany later this week. The Board will have to grapple with questions around what areas to prioritize for readiness support, how to effectively deliver it to countries, and how to ensure that it is complementary to other areas of GCF support.

GCF,在2011年下半年在德班举行的UNFCC气候变化会议上必威官网是真的吗成立,预计将成为收购和交付的主要全球渠道必威官网是真的吗气候变化金融。它的董事会面临着一项具有挑战性的任务,即确保IT渠道的资金能够实现缓解和适应目标。它还必须找出一种方法leverage additional climate finance更大得多。为准备活动提供足够的资金,并设计提供此支持的有效机制至关重要。

WRI’s new report,动员气候投资必威官网是真的吗, draws on six developing country case studies to highlight a set of lessons for readiness. It also sets out a framework to identify readiness activities that climate finance institutions like the GCF can support to create the conditions that will attract scaled-up investments in low-carbon technologies. The experiences of the six countries studied (India, Indonesia, Mexico, South Africa, Thailand, and Tunisia) inform a number of recommendations for the GCF, including:


尽管案例研究清楚地表明,即使少量准备金也可以对扩大投资产生重大影响,但他们还表明,创造正确的投资环境可能需要5 - 10年或更长时间。因此,对于GCF而言,重要的是要搁置用于启用活动的专门资金,尤其是对于最不发达国家而言,这对于创造有吸引力的投资条件可能还有很长的路要走。


A number of existing funds and institutions--including multilateral development banks (MDB), UN agencies, the Global Environment Facility (GEF), and others--are already providing funding for climate change activities--some with more emphasis on readiness than others. The GCF should facilitate greater coordination and collaboration between existing institutions in order to enhance their collective impact. It should also promote a stronger role for developing country institutions--such as national development banks--in supporting readiness activities in their respective countries.


GCF’s Private Sector Facility旨在支持和利用私营部门在低碳活动中的投资,将特别放置在支持行业和金融部门参与者的准备活动中。例如,它可能在支持加强小型企业参与发展中国家低碳部门的活动中发挥重要作用。

下载完整的出版物,Mobilizing Climate Finance: The Role of International Climate Finance in Creating Readiness for Scaled-Up, Low-Carbon Energy

4) A fast-track mechanism could support readiness before the GCF is fully operational.


While there is no simple approach to supporting readiness, the GCF has a unique opportunity to strengthen the enabling conditions that will help developing nations attract investments. The GCF should ensure that its support is predictable and sustained, allowing developing countries to draw on these resources as they need them. Furthermore, the GCF should be responsive to the needs of individual countries and ensure that its support is both demand-driven and aligned with national low-carbon development priorities.

If it fails to adequately support readiness activities, it will be harder for the GCF to make a lasting impact in the countries it supports. By fostering the right enabling environments for investment, the GCF could be catalytic in putting developing countries firmly on the path to a sustainable, low-carbon, and climate-resilient future.