以下是一个陈述安德鲁·斯特(Andrew Steer),总裁兼首席执行官,世界资源研究所必威官网手机版

"Today, in his second inaugural address, President Obama set a clear priority for America: address climate change and become a global leader on renewable energy development. Actions toward this end could play a transformative role in promoting America’s future prosperity, and could also help bring about a truly global response to the challenge of climate change. We agree with the president when he said that ‘outworn programs are inadequate to the needs of our time.’

"In the coming months, we look forward to the Administration following through on the president’s ringing call to action. It will be particularly important to move forward with emissions limits on existing power plants and to use other existing federal authorities to reduce greenhouse gases and drive clean energy technologies. The president has already committed to launch a ‘national conversation’ on climate change—this discussion will be critical for communicating global warming’s risks and building momentum, both locally and nationally. In addition to national action, we look forward to a strong foreign policy agenda with climate playing a key role — including bringing a serious, ambitious plan to the UNFCCC international climate negotiations.

“实现这些目标 - 根据政府的现有目标,即到2020年将温室气体排放降低17%以下17% - 如果美国将成为可再生能源和气候行动的全球领导者,将是关键。”必威官网是真的吗