
水is an essential component of human lives and livelihoods, and key to economic growth, health, food, energy and ecosystems which many people take for granted. When it comes to water, most people don’t know what they’ve got ‘til it’s gone – yet we are already facing a water scarcity crisis.

印度是水的强大作用的一个典型例子。这种新兴的经济超级大国的人民缺乏可靠的24/7通行城市自来水。几乎6亿人面部高到极高的水压力。印度西北部的地下水水平的下降速度比地球上其他任何地方都要快,部分原因是有补贴电力并且没有水限制的农民尽可能多地地下水。多于1亿人live in areas of poor water quality.


水压力具有全球影响:缺乏足够的清洁水来摧毁我们所依赖的生态系统,这会造成经济困扰并加剧贫困。从中国北部加利福尼亚澳大利亚,,,,圣保罗,巴西,西班牙and beyond, water is already a precious and often scarce resource.



9月的峰会可持续发展目标(SDGs) give leaders and citizens of the developed and developing worlds a significant opportunity to unite and take transformative action. While poverty eradication justifiably remains the spinal cord of the post-2015 development agenda, water should berunning through its veins

Tackling an issue as complex and multifaceted as water can be intimidating at first glance. But a data revolution is underway that makes water-related challenges more solvable than ever before.

例如以印度水工具,,,,an interactive, online portal to a vast amount of detailed water data for India. Companies, governments, civil society groups, researchers and others can analyse groundwater and surface water quantity and quality, projections for water supply and demand, and more, drawing on Indian government data and global satellite data, all in one easy-to-use website.

与世界各地的不同水有关的问题都有类似的工具,包括WRI的渡槽水Risk Atlas和世界野生动物基金会的水风险过滤器and beyond.




Many water-related issues – particularly sanitation, access and availability in rural and urban populated areas – have a more acute effect on the world’s poorest. Any solution will, therefore, fail without regular participation from those groups.

Environmental democracy is imperative. Such processes link the (traditionally) least-represented groups associated with water challenges, including the urban and rural poor, to decision makers and other water user groups, such as thirsty yet powerful industries like energy and agriculture. Access to information, inclusive and participatory decision making and access to justice are key elements to ensure a more equitable distribution of scarce natural resources such as water.


The SDGs are a powerful platform to set the global agenda among governments, development agencies, multinational corporations, institutional investors and civil society groups to sustainably and equitably manage the world’s water.


Like any global issue, water-related crises will only be solved through long-term approach aimed at changing the political economy and giving the poor a voice in determining their future, and our behavioral change giving the poor a chance. Perhaps in 15 years, rather than taking water resources for granted, we will take for granted the fact that the world’s richest and poorest in developed and developing countries alike are working together constantly to minimize water-related risk around the world.