
City leaders face incredible pressure to deliver sustainable transportation. Cities now account for more than half of the world’s population—by 2050, they will hold 75 percent of us. These people--日益from the middle class--will need ways to commute to work, travel, and carry out their livelihoods.

At the same time,127万人死亡每年的交通事故 - 这些死亡的一半发生在城市中。城市也解释about 70 percent全球温室气体排放,其中许多与运输有关。


Meeting this challenge is a topic we discussed at length during the第十届年度转型运输会议in Washington, D.C. The two-day event looked at the various ways to扩大可持续运输and share lessons learned. Examples of city leadership were featured prominently throughout the event—and can serve as inspiration for how urban centers can meet transportation challenges.


Examples of cities taking the lead on sustainable transport are numerous. Beijing has built the longest metro in the world,移动597万人every single day. InChina,武汉和黄祖建立了世界上两个最大的自行车共享计划,超越巴黎的Vélib,分别有90,000和60,600自行车。在土耳其,伊斯坦布尔在2010年至2012年之间在其历史悠久的半岛上进行了256号街道的行人,我们现在看到147个城市,全球有快速运输(BRT)和公共汽车走廊,每天搬走2500万乘客。

一些城市甚至被公认为可持续运输中的全球领导人。上周,墨西哥城的前市长马塞洛·埃布拉德(Marcelo Ebrard)收到了Sustainable Transport Award,以及爱德华多·佩斯(Eduardo Paes)作为里约热内卢市长的荣誉提名。在Ambarq的协助下,墨西哥城实施了BRT系统,以应对该市的大规模拥堵和交通相关的大量死亡。


Investing in the Right Transport Systems

尽管全球各地的城市都取得了进展,但每天仍在国际,国家,地方和个人层面上做出投资决策,这些决策威胁到将新的和现有城市锁定在不可持续的运输方式中。因为大多数政策制定者每天都会驾驶汽车,因此通常被认为是一种运输解决方案,因此建造更多的道路或更宽的道路。在发达国家中,蔓延和拥堵的例子很多。这种“照常业务”的方法以高昂的代价 - 对于人,经济和地球而言。必须对可持续运输决策进行扩展和扩展,以使城市不会被锁定在污染,造成经济损失,限制机会和危险生活的基础设施中。

An example of sustainable vs. unsustainable transport can be seen when you compare Beijing and Shanghai. Both cities have 20 million inhabitants. But while Shanghai decided early to invest in public transport and to limit the number of cars allowed in the city, Beijing did not. Beijing now has 76 percent more cars on its streets than Shanghai, amounting to a whopping 5.3 million vehicles. This heavy car load creates congestion, air pollution, endangers pedestrians and drivers, and generally diminishes quality of life in the city.

认识到其运输系统的不可持续程度,北京现在正在大规模运输和taking action to limit它的汽车销售 - 在这个成为世界上汽车最大市场的国家中,这是一步。我们无法在全球范围内重复此错误,因为现有和未来的城市考虑其运输选择。

这Road—Or Bus Corridor—Ahead

世界各地的许多城市已经在拥抱可持续运输方面取得了重大进展。重要的是这些城市继续前进,该决策者在local, state, national, and international levelsempower other urban centers to make the right choices.

C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group一项旨在减少温室气体排放的旨在减少温室气体排放的领导人联盟是一项倡议。embarqrecently partneredC40通过扩大可持续性运输系统来进一步打击气候变化的共同目标。必威官网是真的吗

这个合伙- 以及其他人喜欢它的其他人可以帮助确保城市继续前进。正如库里蒂巴(Curitiba)和WRI董事会成员Jaime Lerner的有远见的前市长Jaime Lerner所说:“城市是解决方案,而不是问题。”