今天,唐纳德·特朗普总统释放了他的预算要求对于2017年开始的2018财年,它为他的政府的支出优先级增加了细节budget blueprint3月(“瘦预算”)提议向大多数联邦机构和酌处支出进行大幅削减,但军事和国家安全除外。


Here’s our analysis of key areas related to international climate funding.


The administration proposes to eliminate the $2.9 billion per year Development Assistance (DA) account entirely, which provided reliable year-to-year funding not just for climate programs but also other vital development priorities, including agriculture and nutrition, education and gender equality. The budget eliminates the self-standing DA account and merges it with the more flexible Economic Support Fund (ESF) account, to create a new Economic Support and Development Fund. It also imposes a very large cut; the amount requested is less than half the combined appropriation to ESF and DA in fiscal 2016. In other words, the amount requested translates effectively into the zeroing out of the DA account. Also, because the new merged fund will be flexible (it can be allocated at the discretion of the State Department based on short-term priorities or political interests), it significantly reduces resources for development and climate projects requiring stable, reliable funding streams.

预算还取消了Overseas Private Investment Corporation(OPIC) to issue new loans, guarantees and insurance to mobilize private investment for international development. OPIC is responsible for a significant proportion of U.S. overseas climate funding, committing around $1 billion a year for renewable energy projects. What’s more, because companies pay OPIC for its financial products, it operates at no net cost to taxpayers and has generated $2.1 billion for the U.S. Treasury since 2010. To cut a program that is helping reduce the deficit while supporting renewable energy defies logic.


On the campaign trail, Trump pledged to cancel payments to “UN climate change programs.” Multilateral climate funds support a wide variety of climate actions, and益处不仅是接受者国家的发展,而且美国出口和国家安全。预算请求不包括绿色气候基金(GCF)的资金,这是气候特定的多边基金中最大的资金(尽管实际上不是联合国计划;必威官网是真的吗虽然它通过联合国气候大会从国际社会获得指导,但它是法律上的一项独立实体具有自己做出自己的资金决定的权力)。奥巴马承诺$3 billion2014年到达GCF,使美国成为最大的承诺。但是,他只能交付10亿美元在任期结束之前;如果没有进一步的付款,美国的风险降至第五大贡献者。

The only multilateral environmental fund that would be funded under Trump’s budget is the Global Environment Facility (GEF); but this has been cut back by 30 percent compared to fiscal 2017 levels. The GEF has enjoyed 25 years of bipartisan support, and it funds many key environmental areas, including conservation, biodiversity and anti-wildlife trafficking efforts.

Multilateral Development Banks

While climate-specific funds are an important part of climate finance, multilateral development banks (MDBs) are far larger in terms of financial flows, approving billions of dollars each year. In 2015, MDBs provided$25 billion in climate finance, and their scaled-up funding will be a key component towards meeting the goal to mobilize$100 billion a year for developing countries by 2020。Trump’s budget proposes a 26 percent cut to U.S. funding for MDBs compared to fiscal 2016 spending levels.


The budget eliminates discretionary funding to international organizations, which amounted to $339 million in fiscal 2017. This would mean cutting $137.5 million from the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF), $80 million from the UN Development Programme and $10.5 million from the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights. This is an extreme attack on the post-World War II system of global governance. Some treaties commit the U.S. and other member countries to pay an assessed contribution, and $900 million is requested for this, still a 33 percent cut from fiscal 2016 levels.

The cuts include defunding the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the scientific body responsible for synthesizing climate science for use by policymakers the world over, and the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, the谈判过程which created the groundbreaking巴黎协定。国会在上个月通过的2017财年支出法案中未能为这些机构提供资金。这些发展是一个根本的离开。这些金额适中,每年约为1000万美元,自1988年创建以来,美国在两党支持的情况下为IPCC的预算做出了贡献。

Cuts to other climate-related agencies include $32 million to the Montreal Protocol Multilateral Fund, which supports countries in reducing ozone-depleting chemicals (some of which are potent greenhouse gases), $7 million to the UN Environment Programme, and $1 million to the World Meteorological Organization.

Beyond the Numbers


The budget request now heads to Congress, where an appropriation bill must be passed by the end of September. To preserve America’s security and global influence, and to support the world’s poorest and most vulnerable countries, it is critical that lawmakers restore and protect funding for these vital programs.