本文是最初发布on the WorldBank.org.

From taxi apps to car sharing, from buses to the metro, from bike sharing to walking, not to mention personal cars, there are more transportation choices than ever before for that staple of modern life: the daily commute. The same goes for the transport of goods, which can get from A to B by road, air, rail, waterways and soon drones. There are currently more than12,600 km(nearly 8000 miles) of metro or urban rail and 5,400 km (3,300 miles) of bus rapid transit (BRT), collectively providing 154 million trips a day in 250 cities. Increased access to transport and enhanced connectivity decreases travel time and generates较高的直接就业率,提高整体经济机会的关键。



  • Congestion
  • 污染和温室气体排放
    Transport accounts for23%of carbon dioxide emissions from the burning of fossil fuels and is a significant contributor to the air pollution in urban settings. Urban air pollution is estimated to cause about 9 percent of lung cancer deaths and 5 percent of cardiopulmonary deaths.
  • Road Accidents
    Globally, about1.25 million people由于道路交通崩溃,每年死亡。尽管这些国家只有大约50%的世界车辆,但世界上有90%的道路死亡发生在低收入和中等收入国家。这些全球道路死亡的一半发生在最脆弱的人群中:行人,摩托车手和骑自行车的人。好像死亡本身还不够毁灭性,道路交通死亡对受害者的家庭和社会造成经济损失:交通崩溃使国家成本成本3 and 5 percentof their GDP.

在2015年和2016年,国际社会做出了一系列全球承诺,这些承诺清楚地表明了可持续运输的外观:Sustainable Development Goals(SDG), the巴黎气候变化协议必威官网是真的吗, 这新的城市议程在栖息地III,巴西宣言on road safety, and theAshgabat声明。这些承诺构成了政府,私营部门和公民社会在接下来的15年中必须采取运输行动的空间。


  1. 所有人都可以访问
  2. Safety and secure
  3. Efficient and reliable
  4. 绿色,干净和弹性

To transform this vision into a reality, all actors in the international transport community must come together. 2017 is a year of opportunities to shape the implementation of the global agenda. The policy vehicles of each agreement, like NDCs and SDGs, are more effective when implemented with an integrated vision, creating a strong, cohesive, and resilient future.


Overall, countries need strong policy guidance, and the private sector needs better visibility on the evolution of regulatory frameworks to drive tangible change. Concretely, this global program of actions should include a strong push for carbon pricing, urban sustainability action plans in medium and large cities, and climate finance reform – getting more Official Development Assistance (ODA) funding for climate-friendly transport projects in developing countries can leverage public and private investment.

We are excited to convene global leaders and experts this week at转变运输in Washington, discussing avenues to align transportation with the global agendas for climate and urban development. Co-hosted by the World Bank and WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities, the central theme is所有人的可持续发展

The goal is to channel governments, the private sector and individual transport choices in the right direction. It is not about optimizing one form of transportation over another, but rather it is about increasing the opportunity for all to live in a more prosperous, healthy, and safe environment.