
对于许多州来说,好消息是他们can greatly reduce他们通过现有政策和基础设施的电力部门排放,例如符合国家可再生能源和效率的州标准,并增加现有天然气发电厂的使用。这些措施将减轻这些州满足未来EPA发电厂排放标准并打击气候变化的道路。必威官网是真的吗

WRIrecently analyzed俄亥俄州现有工具可以用来减少其电力部门的排放,并帮助满足未来的EPA排放标准。在接下来的几个月中,我们将发布一系列事实说明概述了其他几个州可以采取的步骤。


EPA正在使用规则前进,以限制二氧化碳的排放new power plants,发送修订的建议预计在7月初将在9月最终确定的白宫。更重要的是,奥巴马总统directed EPAto also finalize carbon dioxide pollution standards对于现有的发电厂by June 1, 2015. States would then need to submit their proposed implementation plans by June 30, 2016. (EPA is required by law to enact standards for harmful carbon dioxide pollution, following a 2007Supreme Court decision

All eyes are now on EPA to see if their proposed standards for new and existing power plants will achieve the deep reductions in GHG emissions required to avoid the worst effects of climate change. It’s not too early for states to start thinking about how they’re going to comply with these new regulations.

States Have Many Pathways to Reduce their Power Sector Emissions

Depending on the details of EPA’s future standards, states could haveconsiderable flexibility在他们的遵守方式中。可以允许各州追求一系列选择减少其电力部门排放的选择,包括燃料转换,派遣现有的低碳发电厂,可再生能源增加的发电,州或区域上限和交易计划以及能源效率,以及能源效率,除其他策略。

The Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) recently put forwarda proposalfor existing power plant standards that illustrates how a flexible compliance model could work. If the EPA’s standards follow a similar approach, states could use many of the mechanisms described above and would reduce U.S. CO2 emissions from fossil-fuel burning power plants by 26 percent below 2005 levels by 2020. NRDC found that this approach would lead to annual costs of approximately $4 billion in 2020, but would yield economic benefits of $25 billion to $60 billion from saving lives and reducing the risk of climate change impacts.

鉴于各州可用的灵活合规选项,WRI目前正在分析许多州已经通过现有举措诸如可再生投资组合标准,能源效率标准和其他政策进行的减少了排放。我们还正在评估通过继续实施这些政策和现有工具,例如在燃煤电厂的提高效率,增加的热量和功率的使用以及对现有天然气工厂的更全面利用,可以通过继续实施这些政策和现有工具来实现什么进一步减少。例如,我们的分析shows that Ohio could reduce its carbon pollution by 27 percent below 2011 levels by 2020 by meeting the state’s existing renewable and efficiency standards, making more use of its natural gas power plants, taking advantage of opportunities to use combined heat and power, and improving efficiency at coal power plants.


States are already on the front lines in dealing with sea level rise, drought, and other impacts of climate change. Soon, they will have the opportunity to craft their own strategy for how to lessen their contribution to those impacts.

If stringent enough, EPA’s emissions standards for new and existing power plants can help set the United States on course to meet its target of reducing emissions 17 percent below 2005 levels by 2020. By allowing flexibility in these standards, states would not have to start from scratch, but would be able to build on the progress they’re already making toward reducing power sector emissions.

  • LEARN MORE:We’ll be watching closely to see if EPA comes out with standards that are strong enough to confront the climate challenge before us. In the meantime, WRI will继续评估state-level opportunities to reduce power sector emissions through a series of fact sheets. Check outour Ohio installment here.