这件作品是与Dirk Messner,德国发展研究所的主任Hans Joachim Schellnhuber波茨坦气候研究所主任。必威官网是真的吗它最初出现在German Development Institute's website

The climate crisis needs an urgent international response, as the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)has recently reminded us。《联合国气候变化框架公约》(UNFCCC)的196名成员必威官网是真的吗have agreed to finalizea new global binding agreement by December 2015, and they should prioritize making that agreement as ambitious as possible. It is clear, however, that the scale of change needed will require additional, innovative initiatives to buttress the UNFCCC agreement. Additional forms of cooperation, such asclubs of pioneers为了为缓解气候变化的工作提供新的动力,需要,为了提供新的动力。必威官网是真的吗The Renewables Club, established by Germany and nine other countries last year, could play a key role in this regard, provided that it becomes more than just an informal discussion group.

Themeeting of climate-change ministers in Abu Dhabi从2014年5月4日至5日,是一个机会develop the Renewables Club,于2013年启动,成为一项转型倡议。与联邦经济事务和能源部长西格玛·加布里埃尔(Sigmar Gabriel)和联邦经济合作与发展部长格德·穆勒(GerdMüller)紧密合作,并与俱乐部的其他成员国合作,联邦环境部长芭芭拉·亨德里克斯(Barbara Hendricks)应在阿布扎比(Abu Dhabi)提出一项敬业的倡议。

Mancur Olson argued as early as 1969 that smaller groups reach agreement more swiftly. Cooperation research shows that clubs are capable of reaching more ambitious agreements than a 196-member UN Convention.Ambitious clubsalso have a significant impact on those around them, encouraging other actors to follow their lead as they demonstrate what can be achieved.


The Renewables Club could play such a transformational role if it commits to achieving ambitious goals. It also needs to offer significant benefits to countries that are considering joining it, benefits that are exclusive to members, creating strong incentives to work together in making the Club's vision a reality. The German Government should propose such a concept to its partners in order to develop its national energy transition further at international level.


Firstly, the Club's members need a common vision that shows clearly how the Club adds value to existing initiatives. An example vision statement could be: "We will create an energy system by 2050 that is based primarily on renewable energy sources and that ensures that energy costs are competitive, affordable and foreseeable."

该愿景应为设定特定目标提供基础。俱乐部成员可以同意到2025年从可再生能源产生的联合能源产量的比例增加一倍。Sustainable Energy for All initiative到2030年,全球能源组合中可再生能源的份额增加一倍。


Members could also conduct joint research projects and share the relevant patents. They could harmonise and grant mutual recognition of their standards, and work together in producing new standards for future technologies (such as e-mobility) with a view to creating common markets. Additionally, they could dismantle their respective trade barriers for goods and services that are closely linked to renewable energy sources.

Thirdly, the Club could support transformational strategies for renewable energy sources in other parts of the world. Because the Club brings together pioneers, it is uniquely placed to use its expertise to support such strategies, whether in sub-Saharan Africa, North Africa or Latin America.

The clock is ticking on climate-change mitigation, which is why the阿布扎比的上升会议should not close without getting the ball rolling with regards to strengthening the Renewables Club. Germany需要展示领导如果要在主要国际合作伙伴的眼中保持信誉,则在开发俱乐部。作为一个项目,变革俱乐部将提高德国在全球气候政策领域的声誉,强调其在气候友好创新中的开创性作用,并有助于实现德国政府承担更大的全球政策责任的愿望。必威官网是真的吗
