The美国国家气候评估草案必威官网是真的吗was上周发布, confirming that the climate is changing, that it is primarily due to human activities, and that the United States is already being adversely impacted. These top-line messages should come as no surprise, as they reconfirm the major findings ofprevious National Climate Assessmentsand of theIntergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’srecent reports.



根据评估,自1895年以来,大气中的温室气体的积聚已经导致美国的平均温度升高1.5°F。随着排放量的持续增加,预计到本世纪末,美国温度将升高5-10˚F。升高的温度对人类健康,干旱,风暴强度以及物种和生态系统健康有影响。其他一些值得注意的统计数据包括:*0.5˚F: Temperature increase that would occur even if emissions were suddenly stopped

  • 2˚F:自1895年以来东北的温度升高

  • 每2-3年一次: How often the United States will experience what is now a once-in-20-year heat wave by the end of the century

  • 3˚F: Rise in average temperature in Alaska since 1949

  • 3-6˚F:预计在美国大陆的平均温度将在2080-2100到2080-2100升高

  • 5˚F: Amount that the Atlantic Ocean was warmer than normal when Hurricane Sandy struck, increasing the storm’s strength

  • 5˚F: Average winter air temperature increase in Alaska over the past 60 years

  • 40: Consecutive days that Texans experienced 100+˚F temperature in 2011


根据向报告, the United States currently contributes 20 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions. Changes in temperature, precipitation, and sea level rise are in part dictated by the composition of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. In addition, the oceans are becoming more acidic as carbon dioxide enters waters. Below are some of the figures related to greenhouse gas emissions:

  • 13%: Amount of carbon dioxide emissions associated with U.S. fossil fuel burning that are absorbed by forests

  • 16%: Amount of CO2 emissions stemming from land-related activities globally (the rest is due to fossil fuel burning)

  • 40%:全球大气二氧化碳的浓度升高以上

  • 50%:一个世纪内从大气中取出的全球二氧化碳的数量(其余的在大气中停留更长的时间)

  • 9亿:在过去十年中,全球温室气体排放的数量数量增加

  • 37 billion:2011年全球发出的大量温室气体

  • 530亿:在过去250年中,海洋吸收的大量二氧化碳



  • 1英尺: Increase in coastal flooding in the Northeast due to sea level rise since 1900

  • 1-4 feet:预计到2100年的世界海洋水平上升

  • 5 million: People in the United States who live within 4 feet of the local high-tide line


The annual average precipitation across the continental United States增加了by 2 inches since 1895. In addition to changes in average precipitation, the precipitation associated with extreme weather events has increased, showcasing climate change’s impacts on more volatile and unpredictable weather patterns. Some other figures include:

  • 5英寸: Increase in precipitation in the Northeast since 1895

  • 5%:自1900年以来,美国的平均年降水量增加

  • 74%:增加与1958年至2010年之间东北地区非常严重的极端降水事件相关的降水量

  • $5 billion: Monetary losses associated with impacted livestock and crops during the 2011 drought in Texas. In另一个报告去年发行的NOAA,英国大都会办公室和其他机构的科学家发行了,由于温室气体排放及其相关的增长,导致2011年德克萨斯干旱的状况比1960年代发生的可能性高20倍。气候变化。


Disturbingly,the report发现,假设全球排放量持续增长,到本世纪中叶,北极将没有夏季海冰。这种冰融化不仅可以在生态系统中产生连锁反应,而且还可以天气系统, livelihoods, and transportation. Other statistics include:

  • 40%:自1978年卫星记录开始以来,最小北极海冰范围减少

  • 63%:自1970年代初以来,大湖区的冬季冰覆盖率减少


Anywhere from 5 to 20 percent of land area in the United States could be subject to ecosystem changes by 2100 as a result of climate change, the报告草案显示。这是有问题的,因为除了支持社区,生计和野生动植物外,生态系统在稳定气候方面发挥了关键作用。必威官网是真的吗此外,减轻气候变化和美国能源系统变化的努力改变了景观以适应新燃料。必威官网是真的吗以下是报告草案中有关生态系统,美国能源系统和气候变化的其他统计数据:必威官网是真的吗

  • 10: Number of days that bees have advanced their arrival in the spring in the northeastern United States over the past 130 years

  • 10.5: Average miles per decade that plants and animals have migrated to higher latitudes to find suitable habitats

  • 40%: Amount of 2011 U.S. corn crop used to produce ethanol, which met 10 percent of U.S. gasoline demand

  • 48%:由于温度和降水的变化,美国西部的美国鳟鱼物种预计将在2080年损失

  • 75%:受气候变化和其他压力源威胁的世界珊瑚礁数量必威官网是真的吗

  • 920万: Acres burned in the United States during the 2012 wildfire season

  • $ 3.6-61亿美元:在未来二十年中,永久冻结的金额可能会增加基础设施维护成本


Pollution, weather changes, droughts, fires, heat waves, and other climate change impacts can wreak havoc on human health and have attendant impacts to our economy. As the draft assessment shows, human health in the United States has already been affected, and impacts will increase with every rise in temperature.

  • 13 -27: Days ragweed pollen season length has extended in some parts of the United States since 1995

  • 1,000:每1.8°F温度升高,与臭氧恶化和颗粒污染有关

  • 65亿美元: Cost associated with the health impacts of climate change’s current effects on ozone


While the numbers presented above are of critical importance, the most important ones are these:

  • 100%: Amount of people who will be affected by climate change

  • 100%:如果我们要更改本报告中介绍的统计数据,则需要在扭转碳密集型方式方面发挥作用的人数