Urban leaders from around the world are meeting in Quito, Ecuador, October 17-20, 2016, to set the global agenda for the future of cities at the United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development, known as栖息地III.通过世界资源报告(WRR)在可持续城市,WRI提供了现实世界中的研究,旨在将计划转化为实施,以创建生活,移动和繁荣的城市。WRR的一部分是关于可持续移动性的,可为所有人提供更好,更安全,更清洁和负担得起的访问权限,并将在10月16日在Quito的WRR发布会上介绍。

Emmanuel, a 40-year-old tailor in Awoshie, a suburb of Accra, Ghana, is a good example of challenges that face commuters in cities around the world. He lives just 11 kilometers (about 7 miles) from his job in the central business district, but spends 15 percent of his household income getting there, mostly ontrotro, a small van providing informal public transport service, similar to themagic在印度,daladalain Tanzania or thecombi在秘鲁。市中心的交通拥堵使公共汽车司机避免了通路,耗时的路线可以超过一个小时,而且更直接的旅行选择通常非常昂贵。伊曼纽尔(Emmanuel)看到通勤困难的解决方案只会使交通拥堵更加严重:他希望自己开车。

Making transport sustainable for all city residents is a prominent part of the新的城市议程, the outcome document of Habitat III. This demonstrates the international development community’s recognition of how important mobility is for prosperity, social inclusion and environmental sustainability. Making that vision a reality presents challenges to city leaders who struggle to address the immediate need to move people from homes to jobs with limited resources. In many cases, cities continue with old, unsustainable models that rely too heavily on cars and roads. And the problems of traditional transport – including traffic fatalities and the health effects of air pollution -- will continue to be felt primarily by society’s most vulnerable.

Between 2000 and 2015 the use of motor vehicles worldwide jumped67percent to 24 trillion vehicle kilometers (15 trillion miles) from 14 trillion (8.7 trillion miles). During that period, the total number of vehicles on the road surged 49 percent to 992 million from 664 million, reflecting the growing urban middle class in developing countries. Electric vehicle stock grew dramatically, but still accounted for just百万in 2015, up from fewer than 20,000 vehicles in 2010. While new technologies such as e-hailing apps provide flexibility and convenience, these ad hoc private services further increase the focus on cars for mobility, rather than inclusion in a comprehensive transit plan that fosters the use of clean modes like walking and cycling.

Putting Cities in the Driver’s Seat

Addressing these challenges will be essential if cities are to achieve the New Urban Agenda’s sustainable transport goals. WRI’sWorld Resources Report: Towards a More Equal City将在一份工作文件中研究这个问题,该论文研究城市政府可能会使用其社区来推动其可持续城市流动性的政策。

有很多关于如何做到这一点的好例子。目前有更多的12,600 km(近8000英里)地铁或城市铁路和5,400公里(3,300英里)的公交快速运输(BRT),共同在250个城市提供1.54亿次旅行。步行和骑自行车也在增强动力。例如,在美国城市,骑自行车上下班有所增加62 percent between 2000 and 2013. And some cities, like London, Shanghai and Bogotá, discourage excessive car use withcongestion pricing,vehicle quotas要么车牌限制as they work to tackle congestion, air pollution and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

WRRexamines policies that have the potential to capitalize on that momentum. Noting that themost sustainable cities我们有大量的步行,自行车和使用公共交通工具的居民,我们研究了增加这种行为的政策。这些可以包括土地利用的变化以及住宅和商业用途的混合;专用的行人区和自行车道;以及对大都市地区的过境政策进行更好的计划和协调,以确保服务涵盖城市的所有地区。



WRI’s World Resources Report will focus on challenges and solutions over the next year aimed at creating more equal cities.未来的研究论文将考虑对住房,能源和运输等核心服务的实用解决方案,并提供对更广泛的城市转型过程的见解。The WRI will launch the report Oct. 16 in Quito.