
我们的博客系列This Month in Climate Science, offers a snapshot of the month's significant scientific literature, compiled from some of the leading peer-reviewed journals. This edition explores studies published in2019年12月。(To get these updates delivered right to your inbox,报名for our newsletter.)


  • 较早的婴儿分娩:Astudy发现美国的极端热量导致孕妇在到期日之前将婴儿分娩。在1969年至1988年之间,由于热量暴露,每年早些时候大约有25,000名婴儿出生。健康和认知挑战已与前分娩有关。
  • 收缩鸟:科学家们在40年的时间内评估了北美的52种迁徙鸟类。他们发现,鸟类的身体尺寸随变暖而降低,而机翼长度则增加。他们假设较长的机翼长度有助于较小的鸟类维持迁移。
  • 转移迁移:Astudy收集了有关美国鸟类迁移的数据,发现变暖导致了早期的物种到来。这是有问题的,因为迁移通常与资源可用性有关。不匹配会威胁人群,并对生态系统的结构和功能具有更大的影响。
  • 滞留的海龟:肯普·里德利(Kemp Ridley)海龟由于温暖的水域而在大西洋向北行驶,然后在科德角(Cape Cod)的钩状半岛中“卡住”。什么时候冬天来了,它们是“冷态”的,导致陷阱。海龟对温度变化非常敏感。温度下降可以压力并有可能杀死他们。
  • 鹦鹉鱼承受珊瑚漂白:在一个studyof reefs in two ocean basins, scientists found that parrotfish populations grew after bleaching-related coral deaths. This was in sharp contrast to almost every other fish species, which拒绝珊瑚漂白后。科学家们指出,漂白会产生新的贫瘠的表面,这些表面是由鹦鹉鱼的食物来源微藻和蓝细菌殖民的,但是随着礁石恢复健康,parrotfish的数量会下降。
  • Fewer New England fishermen:在新英格兰,大约有34,000名渔民在这里迅速变暖。一study发现在1996年至2017年之间,新英格兰的县级捕鱼就业平均下降了16%,这可能是由于变化必威官网是真的吗气候变异性
  • Heat-stressed mountain goats:科学家们studied the impacts of heat on mountain goats in Glacier National Park, Montana. Snow patches ordinarily provide a refuge for the species to reduce heat stress. But given reductions in persistent summer snow, animals may not be able to find areas for resting and reducing their呼吸率在高温中。
  • 更换供水:Mountain ranges store water and supply it downstream, much like a natural water tower. Onestudyidentified the world's water-tower ranges and found that the most important ones are also the most vulnerable. Given climatic and socio-economic changes in the future, 1.9 billion people living in or downstream of mountain areas could be negatively impacted.

Extreme Events

  • Simultaneous heat extremes:研究人员报道说,喷射流的两种特殊模式可以同时导致世界多个地区发生极端热量。这些模式可以将区域作物产量减少多达11%。如果多个地区同时受到影响,则对全球粮食生产的后果和安全可能是严重的。作者指出,一些研究发现,这种喷气流模式在最近的夏天有所增加。

  • 格陵兰冰损失加速:研究人员分析了26个卫星的测量值,以评估格陵兰冰盖的变化。他们发现,在1992年至2018年期间,格陵兰岛损失了约3,800 Gigatonnes(GT)的冰,造成了近11毫米(0.43英寸)的海平面上升。在此期间,冰损的发生率从1992年至1997年之间的18 gt/年增加到2012年至2017年之间的239 GT/年。IPCC's climate-warming scenario
  • 格陵兰湖的排水速度比我们想象的要快:科学家们found that a West Greenland lake lost two-thirds of its volume in just five hours in 2018 and was drained only one year earlier. Partial drainage events were previously thought to occur slowly, but scientists found that hydrofractures, in which surface melt reaches the base of the ice sheet via水车裂纹在冰上,可以导致引流更快。在这种情况下,湖泊扩大并重新激活了先前存在的裂缝。
  • Atransformed Arctic and Antarctic:Warming is greatest at the poles. For example, with 2 degrees C of global warming, the Arctic may see 4 degrees C of average annual warming and 7 degrees C of winter warming. A新研究查看北极和南极这种极端变暖的后果。在北极,科学家发现,变暖将导致冰和野生动植物的损失,对生计的威胁,较低纬度的极端天气以及随着永久冻结融化而增加的排放。Thwaites冰川和其他南极冰的崩溃可能导致全球海平面上升3米(9英尺),可能在不到一个世纪的时间内。
  • Arctic warming accelerating:美国国家海洋和大气管理局的2019年Arctic Report Card该地区的前所未有的变化(包括温度升高,冰盖和雪覆盖损失,融化多年冻土和较小的海冰范围)。变化的发生比anticipated,生态系统和社区的风险增加。
  • 雪的损失导致更大的变暖:当雪覆盖熔体时,它以前覆盖的表面变得更暗,吸收了更多的太阳辐射并触发更大的变暖。科学家们found that declining snow in North America can cause up to 2 degrees C (3.6 degrees F) of warming annually in the region and 4 degrees C (7.2 degrees F) in the spring. It can also intensify warm extremes. This effect is greatest in northern Canada, given its abundant snow cover.
  • 冰loss in Russian Arctic discovered:研究人员discovered rapid melting and a new ice stream on the Vavilov Ice Cap in the Russian Arctic. It has lost more than 11% of the entire basin's ice mass between 2013 and 2019. Authors documented a speeding up of glacial flow, in which ice quickly drains from the glacier and flows into the ocean, creating an "ice stream." The study is the first记录形成冰流的情况。


  • 从化石燃料中创纪录的高二氧化碳排放:Global Carbon Projectfound that carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuels were on track to reach arecord highin 2019.
  • Underestimated methane emissions:使用卫星数据,researchersfound that methane emissions associated with a 20-day natural gas well blowout in Ohio in 2018 were far greater than what was reported. Methane emissions were more than theemissionsassociated with oil and gas industries in France and Norway. The authors recommend that such satellite measurements be used in detecting and quantifying emissions from other events.
  • 热带非洲是主要的甲烷来源:Methane is a potent greenhouse gas, about 28 times更加强大比二氧化碳。科学家们discovered that between 2010 and 2016, methane emissions from tropical Africa increased substantially, representing a third of global methane emissions growth during this period. This可能是到期的与农业和湿地相关的排放。
  • 一氧化物发射河流:科学家们found that nitrous oxide emissions from rivers jumped from 70.4 gigagrams (Gg)/year to 291.3 Gg/year between 1900 and 2016. Nitrous oxide emissions from rivers occur mainly due to fertilizer use in agriculture. While riverine N20 emissions are only 3% of global terrestrial N2O emissions, they are increasing 3 times faster than other sources.
  • 臭氧孔恢复可能会延迟:Anew建模工作发现,如果各国遵守蒙特利尔方案,臭氧中的孔将在2065年关闭。但是,如果CFC-11排放量增加,因为它们最近的排放量增加,则恢复可能会推迟十多年。


  • 2019年最温暖的十年有记录以来:World Meteorological Organization指出,2019年将成为有记录以来的第二年或第三任温度的年份,记录了记录中最温暖的十年。2019年1月至2019年10月的全球平均温度比工业前时代高1.1摄氏度。
  • 温暖的2020年:英国大都会办公室发布了其2020温度的预测,估计它将比工业前平均水平约为1.11摄氏度。2016年最温暖的一年比工业前的水平为1.16度。
  • 科学家们say models are accurate:为了了解气候模型的准确性,必威官网是真的吗科学家们将全球平均表面温度的模型预测与1970年至2007年之间的观测值进行了比较。他们发现,在过去50年中的气候建模工作在预测全球平均表面温度的变化方面是准确的,这应该提高模型投射全球变暖的能力。必威官网是真的吗


  • 加利福尼亚海洋比其他海洋更酸:这ocean is becoming more acidic as it absorbs carbon dioxide.科学家们使用了将近2,000次测量,将加利福尼亚海岸水域的海洋酸化记录拼凑在一起,发现它们的酸性是全球平均水平的2倍。海洋生物和整个食物网可以是有一定风险当海洋变成酸性时。
  • 氧气水平降低:必威官网是真的吗气候模型表明,变暖会导致海洋中溶解的氧气下降。由于某些生物避免或无法在此类地区生存,因此贫穷的水域可能会导致海洋生态系统的深刻变化。科学家们在过去的50年中,在东部热带大西洋和赤道太平洋的水域中收集了数据,发现氧气已经下降了0.09-0.34千克每年每公斤。