Christina Chan joined WRI in May as Director for the Climate Resilience Practice. Before that, Christina led global policy efforts on adaptation at the U.S. State Department and spent eight years with CARE, helping communities reduce disaster-related risks and leveraging that work to inform CARE International’s global climate change policy. Here she shares her thoughts on the challenges ahead.


克里斯蒂娜·陈(Christina Chan):有几个障碍。首先,最脆弱的人(例如那些在干旱地区的人)通常无法获得气候信息。必威官网是真的吗农民将能够更好地决定种植什么以及何时种植有关雨季何时开始以及预期降雨量的信息。

Second, we need to stop treating climate resilience as just an environmental issue. Climate change is undermining hard-won development gains. We need to develop the capacity of communities, local and national governments, engineers and coastal zone managers to identify climate risks and take actions to manage those risks.


食物shortages caused by climate change could have a major impact on national and global security. How do we begin to address this risk?

CC: With support from the Gates Foundation, WRI is exploring how investments in transformative adaptation in the agriculture sector can yield greater food security. The international community needs to continue helping farmers make smarter seasonal and annual decisions in the context of climate change. At the same time, we also need to be thinking longer-term and identifying what actions we can take now that will contribute to positive, transformative change.

How has your professional background informed your thinking on adaptation policy?



How can countries best determine what their priorities for resilience are?

CC:各国应该从他们最关心的东西开始 - 他们的发展优先事项是什么?在粮食安全,水,基础设施,农村发展等方面,他们想实现什么?从那里,他们可以寻求了解气候变化对这些优先事项的风险,以及他们需要采取的措施来管理这些风险。必威官网是真的吗我认为,这是确定弹性优先级的最好方法。


CC: Nations across the world are already implementing creative solutions that build resilience to climate change. In Mali, the water and agriculture ministries collaborate to send farmers text messages with information on rain forecasts. In Kuala Lumpur, innovative infrastructure like the SMART tunnel serves a dual purpose: it not only alleviates rush hour traffic, but also shuts down when there is heavy rainfall and diverts rainwater to the river, to prevent flooding in the city center. In the U.S., Philadelphia has changed its water fee system, simultaneously helping the city to meet its Clean Water Act obligations and adapt to projected increases in extreme rainfall.

在印度和巴西,WRI正在帮助城市规划师就适应行动做出决定,这确实反映了当地社区和人民的优先事项和需求。我们还建立了当地民间社会使国家政府负责的能力 - 目的是确保国际气候适应的资金实际上到达当地社区并满足其需求和优先事项。必威官网是真的吗
