这个博客是originally postedon IIED.org.

The Paris Agreement calls for Parties to communicate their long-term low greenhouse gas emission development strategies by 2020. Achala Abeysinghe looks at how to ensure good governance for these strategies.

Countries are starting to prepare and submit their long term climate and development strategies (LTSs) under the Paris Agreement. The Agreement asks countries to articulate their climate change and development aspirations for the middle of the century. The expectation is that these will provide direction to their futureNationally Determined Contributions- the five-yearly stepping stones towards their long-term vision.

Last week I participated ina global meeting about the processes for creating LTSs。为期两天的会议为政府从业人员,政策制定者和国际专家提供了一个机会,可以分享与制定这些策略有关的想法,良好实践,工具,利益和挑战。

我是LTS良好治理实践会议的共同领导者,并能够从我为一个的角度出发一些观点必威官网亚洲体育recent book on this topic。Among many key messages that came out of the session, I heard that the LTS can be living documents, adapted over time to changing circumstances and building on shorter-term development strategies and plans. Another resounding message was that "There is no one-size-fits-all solution" for this process.

我认为,良好的治理原则可以应用于任何策必威官网亚洲体育略 - 使其更容易接受,向人民提供更多的所有权,使其更具信任度,确定性和可靠性 - 无论该策略是活着的文件还是固定愿景。

Good governance for long term strategies


在下面,我强调了如何将一些良好的治理原则实际上应用于长期愿景中 - 尽管这不是必威官网亚洲体育详尽的清单。




To ensure that the LTS is more than a mere aspirational expression of where the country would like to be in the long term, it is important that senior political figures are involved in LTS development and its implementation.

In the Marshall Islands, President Hilda Heine has herself led the development of her country’s long-term strategy, and will present it to various partners next week. Fiji's Prime Minister Frank Bainimarama is also engaged in leading the long-term climate vision for his country. Such leadership gives citizens confidence that their leaders are serious about this process. It demonstrates that political leaders are aware of the risks, costs, benefits and opportunities that the LTS creates — including improved economic growth, energy access, air quality, and access to emerging technologies. Such engagement encourages political leaders to go beyond qualitative aspirations and creates greater downward accountability to the people of the country.


A 'whole government' approach

All relevant government ministries need to be aware of, and involved in, the LTS process to ensure coherent policy and planning across government. Given the cross-cutting nature of climate change, the LTS needs to be integrated into the planning processes of all ministries and departments. Without a coordinated and harmonised approach to policymaking, there is a risk of various policies competing or overriding each other.




The principles ensure that the views and contributions of members of diverse social, economic, and cultural groups are heard and considered in important decision-making processes of the LTS. This contributes to its benefits being equitably enjoyed by all.

Inclusiveness can be ensured through nondiscriminatory participation, public awareness, open decision making, and accountability. Ensuring inclusiveness and transparency involves undertaking consultations, particularly with those who are affected by climate issues and the LTS. People being consulted should be provided with full information, such as the types of measures being considered, impacts on jobs, health, quality of life, housing, and so on.


Ensuring transparency enables people to follow and understand the decision-making process, and the decisions themselves. People should be able to clearly see how and why a decision was made: what information, advice, and consultation were considered, and which policy and legislative arrangements enabled those decisions.

Applying these principles effectively can enhance a community's well-being – with all its members feeling that their interests have been considered by government.

A whole society approach also means engaging future generations. For any long term plan, the planners are the adults of this generation, but the implementers will be the children. They, in turn, will be the adults of the next – and all must be climate aware in order to deliver the long-term strategy.

注意:此博客部分基于我对本书的贡献'必威官网是真的吗考虑明天的气候行动 - 长期气候和发展策略的专家观点'可以从网站上下载必威官网手机版。该博客还借鉴了Global Meeting on Long-term, Low Greenhouse Gas Emissions Development Strategies: Acting Now for a Sustainable Tomorrow,"which took place in Bangkok on 10 and 11 July 2018.