印度印第安纳州(Indore)被称为“迷你孟买”(Mini Bombay),是一个蓬勃发展的城市,有200万人。该市迅速增长的人口造成了严重的问题,包括增加道路拥堵,旅行延误,交通事故和环境退化。

Enter the“ ibus。”印多尔的新Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) line—the iBus—recently completed 100 days of passenger operations. The new system carries more than 23,000 passengers per day, easing congestion, reducing travel times, and creating a safe, convenient mode of public transport.

Many factors contributed to iBus’s success in Indore. One, however, stands out as a lesson for all transit stakeholders: the importance of public outreach.

Creating the iBus

The iBus has seen impressive results in its first few months in operation, but it wasn’t always smooth sailing. When construction of the iBus first began in 2007, the general public reaction ranged from strong opposition to enthusiastic support. A host of factors affected public and press opinion: construction delays, little public engagement, and lack of faith in the political and administrative leadership of the city.



为了让Indore人民,Atal Indore City Transport Services(AICTSL)于2012年8月举行了一场比赛,名称为新的BRT。从收到的许多条目中,选择了“ ibus”的名称。“我”表示“聪明”和“印多”,创造了一种归属感。这个名字很容易记住和发音。它创造的所有权感在新的BRT服务中引起了本地自豪感。

AICTSL和EMBARQ India, part ofWRI’s EMBARQ Center for Sustainable Transport然后,合作创建了一个品牌徽标,该徽标将传达IBU的速度和可靠性价值。选择设计的整个练习还反映在AICTSL上,将其描绘成一个像IBU这样的现代,高效,安全的BRT的公司。

Outreach Sessions to Address Participant Misconceptions

Even as construction was underway, local media reacted negatively and sometimes with skepticism towards the BRT project. To ensure that media had access to the most accurate information about the iBus and its vision, Dario Hidalgo, EMBARQ’s director of research and practice, led a Focus Group Seminar with senior journalists from Indore. Citing examples from across the world, this seminar was able to address a number of myths and misperceptions related to BRT systems and the iBus.


Outreach sessions eventually reached more than 1,200 people, helping to dispel myths around the project and build a sense of comfort with the upcoming service.


认识到Indore需要进行公开的公开对话来创建IBU的透明图像,Ambarq帮助AICTSL创建了an iBus Facebook page2013年3月。由于BRT走廊毗邻许多学校和大学,因此Facebook页面被视为吸引青年并吸引潜在乘客的机会。Facebook页面提供了有关施工的最新信息,回答了有关服务的疑问,并很快成为一个反馈和建议的非正式论坛。在公共焦点小组会议期间,参与者开始将自己“标记”到Facebook页面上的照片。随着页面“喜欢”的数量的增加,媒体开始关注,通常是指页面以获取项目信息和照片。

Theuse of social mediahas been tremendously rewarding in the case of Indore.

Trial Runs with an Informed, Accepting Public




With the launch of iBus, there are now seven BRT systems in India—and soon to be more. Bhopal, Surat, and Pimpri-Chinchwad are expected to launch their own advanced bus systems later this year, and five more cities have BRT lines under construction. An additional five have announced future plans to build such a system. In less than a decade, thenumber of BRT systemsand bus corridors in India will have gone from zero to twenty.

As these cities move forward with their own BRT systems, it’s important that they keep the lessons from the iBus in mind: Designing a BRT system is only half the battle. Communicating about the project is imperative to its success.