

For example, on April 8, a major cyclone battered Pacific islands includingFiji, knocking out power and damaging infrastructure in a country already consumed with COVID-19 containment efforts. In新奥尔良,在紧急情况和卫生服务在应对大流行方面的巨大压力下,居民在一周内看到密西西比河上升了一英尺;更大的大雨威胁着严重的洪水,可能会使紧急情况更加复杂。同时,预报员正在预测“显着高于正常水平”大西洋飓风季节,提高了社区的前景,不得不与大风暴和病毒作斗争。



Invest in Health Care that Addresses Both Pandemics and Climate Change







Another example is the Rambam Health Care Campus in Israel, which has an underground parking lot that can be converted into a 2,000-bed, full service medical clinic in 72 hours. Such facilities can serve to respond quickly to a pandemic, as well as to provide treatment in case of a climate-related disaster.

At the same time, providers of climate finance should invest more in public health.

Our研究suggests that dedicated climate funds, such as the Green Climate Fund, the Climate Investment Funds, and the Adaptation Fund, have historically underfunded activities in the health sector relative to what countries say they need to prepare for climate change. These organizations should identify investments that help countries to deal with both climate-related impacts and pandemics.



在发生灾难之后 - 无论是大流行还是与气候有关的灾难 - 快速财务都是成功回应的关键。必威官网是真的吗政府可以使用各种工具来帮助他们为灾难响应提供资金。这些工具包括国家灾难基金,有信贷额度(快速贷款贷款),参数保险产品(在满足某些条件时会自动触发的保险单)和灾难债券(如保险单,但在市场上进行交易)。

Countries with the most effective disaster risk finance (DRF) strategies typically deploy combinations of these tools to protect against the various layers of risk a country faces, matching risks and tools based on what is most cost-effective.

Over the past decade and a half, a disaster risk finance architecture has emerged to serve mostly low- and middle-income countries, focusing primarily on earthquakes, hurricanes, floods and drought. The same or similar instruments could be used to manage pandemic risks.


Countries are tapping World Bank contingent credits – typically used to raise fast cash after hurricanes and floods – to access to over $1.2 billion in funds for COVID-19 response. Though currently few in number, products built expressly for pandemics deserve increased attention.

For instance, African Risk Capacity (ARC), a regional risk pool created originally to provide drought insurance to African governments, is developing a product to help governments respond to outbreaks of Ebola, Lassa fever, Marburg, meningitis and – as ARC recently宣布- 新冠肺炎。

Not all disaster risk financing products will be a good fit for pandemic response – the World Bank’s 2017大流行灾难已经广泛批评,例如 - 但是那些可以在影响广泛之前迅速赚钱的人可能很有价值。

问题在于,DRF架构遭受了几个缺点,需要紧急加强。正如我们在最近的一个, only a minority of countries with access to these DRF tools is actually deploying them in combination to cover their catastrophic risks. As a result, many countries remain underinsured and vulnerable.


In our,我们介绍了如何快速有效地完成此操作的三个选择:扩大世界银行国际发展协会的作用,促进区域多边发展银行的作用,并创建新的和扩大的DRF车辆。


While access to rapid finance for post-disaster response is critical, it’s not enough. Governments need systems in place to deliver those resources to the communities that need them the most. Social protection programs that can quickly and automatically scale up after a disaster – be it a pandemic or a climate-related disaster – offer one promising approach.


Disaster-responsive social safety nets could be equally beneficial in a pandemic, when many households face unexpected loss of employment and income, as well as unexpected medical expenses. Emergency cash transfers could help people avoid dangerous choices between safeguarding their health and the health of others and earning enough to pay for basic necessities. While pioneered in developing countries, the principle can be applied in developed countries too.

We find ourselves in uncharted territory, but tools and knowledge that already exist for climate resilience should also be deployed to help communities cope with pandemics, and measures to protect us from this and future pandemics can also help build resilience to climate impacts. While responding to the current coronavirus crisis must be everyone’s primary concern, we should not lose sight of how actions and investments today could potentially prepare us for other crises, including the looming climate crisis.