
As we approach the climate negotiations in Paris this December, the progress to address climate change is encouraging. A transition to a低碳经济正在进行中,主要发射器正在做出前所未有的气候承诺以及城市和企业必威官网是真的吗are pledging比以往任何时候都做更多的事情。但是,速度必须加速以防止危险和昂贵的气候变化影响。必威官网是真的吗那么,《巴黎协定》如何刺激国家气候行动并提供增强的国际合作,以扩大现有的努力并加快向低碳和必威官网是真的吗弹性经济发展的全球转变呢?

In May, the ACT 2015 consortium released法律建议for the Paris agreement -- one of the core components of the agreement -- and explained how they could be structured to drive climate action in the years ahead.


持续改进的概念在年度报告,价值声明和公司政策中经常提及。为什么?因为不能保证持续改进 - 它需要持续努力来建立,维护和增强。同样的逻辑也适用于气候动作。必威官网是真的吗在巴黎商定的国家必威官网是真的吗气候承诺和承诺本身可能不会保持低于2度的C(3.6度F),而是通过建立系统的机制来加快努力,随着时间的推移,各国可以采取集体行动来避免危险的全球变暖。

Specifically, cycles of improvement can:

  • 使各国能够开发和分享其行为的大型快照;
  • 确保各国定期评估和加强其减少排放,适应气候变化并支持低碳增长的行动;必威官网是真的吗
  • Establish a specific time schedule – optimally, five years – to increase ambition and respond to the latest scientific and technological changes;
  • Create a facilitative assessment process for each cycle that supports countries in identifying options to strengthen and implement climate actions and support; and
  • 使各国能够确定并传达其对金融和其他支持的需求,以采取低碳和气候富裕的行动。必威官网是真的吗

In addition to having short-term cycles of improvement, it is also important to have clarity for what they intend to achieve over the long-term. Hence, the three continuous improvement cycles would be guided by two long-term mitigation and adaptation goals tophase out all greenhouse gas emissions在本世纪下半叶尽早尽早净净净,并减少脆弱性并建立面临气候影响的社区的韧性。必威官网是真的吗



Mitigation action in the near term reduces the need for adaptation in the long term by minimizing future temperature increases that result in climate damages. But since the world is already facing the consequences of climate change, adapting to these impacts is imperative as well (indeed, some impacts may even exceed the ability to adapt, creating "loss and damage"). The cycles of improvement must address mitigation, adaptation and support to advance objectives to adequately reduce damages, limit global warming and protect communities today and in the future.

The consortium suggests moving away from a mitigation-centric approach and promoting a more holistic framework that adequately reinforces the interplay among mitigation, adaptation and support and contributes more effectively to the global good.


So far, the assessment of countries’ actions and support have been undertaken after implementation, to ascertain whether they were in compliance with predefined standards and agreed commitments.




Where possible, ACT 2015 suggests leveraging existing frameworks and institutions, such as the Adaptation Committee and the Standing Committee on Finance to conduct adaptation and support assessments. These bodies would review progress towards the long-term goals, identify best practices, promote shared learning, facilitate implementation and support, and make recommendations to shift or scale-up finance.


What happens in the years following the Paris negotiations?

Five years after the Paris climate summit, and every five years thereafter, countries would revisit and enhance their commitments for the next cycle. All countries would be expected to unveil enhanced mitigation and adaptation efforts, including measures to improve national policies and institutional frameworks. These actions should scale-up low-carbon, climate-resilient investments and address developing countries’ needs.


Climate impacts are already dangerous and costly, and will get far worse if the global community does not scale up efforts to tackle climate change. These three cycles of continuous improvement are a necessary component of the Paris agreement. They will send predictable signals to the world that we have embarked on a journey towards a safe, prosperous and equitable future.