This interview was originally published byThe National Bureau of Asian Research, and includes endnotes.

India is the world’s fourth-largest energy consumer and will likely overtake China in the next decade as the primary source of growth in global energy demand. As NBR has examined in its series ofpublications for the Senate India Caucus,印度必须克服许多挑战,以满足其不断增长的能源需求并维持经济增长。该国是世界上第三大二氧化碳发射极,印度的必威官网是真的吗andenvironmental许多政策和行业领导者都承认了挑战。巴拉蒂亚·贾纳塔(Bharatiya Janata)党总理纳伦德拉·莫迪(Narendra Modi)等人呼吁进行“能源革命”,以利用该国的煤炭,天然气,水力,核和风资资源以可持续的方式促进能源安全和经济发展。

在这次NBR访谈中,世界资源研究所执行副总裁兼董事总经理Manish Bapna研究了印度迈向更可持续的能源未来的步骤。必威官网手机版他认为,尽管印度在可再生能源,低碳替代方案和能源效率提高方面取得了重要进展,但该领域的许多潜力仍未实现,包括进行更大的美国 - 印度合作的机会。

India’s National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC) recommends that the country generate 10% of its power from renewable sources by 2015, and 15% by 2020. What progress has India made on renewable energy in recent years?

India is a key country in the efforts of the international community to shift to a sustainable, low-carbon path that will confront climate change, improve human health, and foster prosperity for all. In India, climate action will be most successful when integrated with efforts to tackle existing challenges in energy access, water security, agricultural productivity, disaster resilience, and broader economic development goals. For example, distributed or on-site generation of renewable energy, such as rooftop solar panels, can play a significant role in providing access, especially in rural areas. According to the World Bank, over 400 million people in India lack electricity.


随附的表显示,尽管在全球范围内不在全球领先地位,但印度的可再生能源倡议是很大的,并且有建筑势头的迹象。毕马威(KPMG)估计,印度太阳能的电网均等可能在2017 - 19年度举行。[4] 2014年印度的恩斯特和Young Outlook将其置于最吸引人的市场中,并预测增长“具有雄心勃勃的目标和一系列大规模的项目公告”。去年,印度的太阳能容量几乎翻了一番,在国家太阳能任务进行的第2阶段竞标下的第一个项目中引起了极大的兴趣。此外,预计新的和可再生能源部将提供税收优惠和提高网格,以利用更多的风能。

What are the roles of the public and private sectors in this?

Many public officials and business leaders in India and internationally recognize the potential in India and are taking action. To make these measures successful and to go further faster, many realize that action is needed along a broad front. This includes technology and finance but also development of knowhow, streamlining of regulation and government administration, and a continued shift to greater reliance on the market. For example, while steps have been taken to deregulate fuel prices, the U.S. Energy Information Administration reports that India’s Ministry of Coal and Mines continues to control allocation of coal and subsidies to companies. [5] Also, to build public support, it is important to promote understanding of the economic, health, and other benefits of taking these steps. With India’s growing economy and energy security needs, this agenda is challenging, but the opportunities are enormous. Not only is low-carbon energy compatible with economic growth, but in many cases, such as in providing distributed generation in rural areas, it is a better, more cost-effective option. It can help bring relief for smog-choked cities and a new wave of investment opportunities.

一example of U.S.-Indian private-sector collaboration is the work that the World Resources Institute (WRI) and the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) are doing with Indian and U.S. companies to explore, test, and demonstrate new models that make renewable energy more affordable. This activity creates more private demand for renewable energy that will create new business opportunities. Indian commercial and industrial companies like Infosys have been excellent champions for green power purchasing and understand the energy security value of renewable energy. U.S. companies are also setting increasingly ambitious internal goals for renewable energy and seeking to source energy in growth markets like India where they have growing footprints. This demand, combined with new models for making renewable energy more affordable, will create new opportunities for energy suppliers from the United States, India, and other markets. Building the demand for renewables from the largest users is one of the approaches that will support India’s renewable energy goals.

美国能源部长欧内斯特·莫尼兹(Ernest Moniz)本月初访问了印度,参加了美国 - 印度战略能源对话。这种对话和其他人(例如印度美国)有多重要。促进清洁能源(速度)的合作伙伴关系?

Cooperation between India and the United States on energy is important to shift our countries and the world to a sustainable, prosperous growth path. The U.S.-India Strategic Energy Dialogue is an important engine of this cooperative relationship along with PACE. Therecent meeting of the dialogue涉及Moniz秘书和来自两国的高级参与者为面对面更新和指导提供了进一步的步伐工作计划的机会。合作研发,美国机构的财政支持,部署清洁能源的合作伙伴关系,对非常规天然气的评估以及私营部门的参与是速度的关键要素。利益相关者的参与与步伐下的三个活动轨道(开发,研究和能源获取)的参与可以帮助维持这一努力的势头。

与印度 - 美国的相关说明。由阿斯彭研究所(在美国一侧)和阿南塔·阿斯必威官网是真的吗彭中心(印度)召集的关于气候变化和能源的曲目对话,在华盛顿和发送了一封信to senior officials in both governments. Complementing and informing formal diplomatic relations, the Track II Dialogue aims to advance a bolder partnership between the two countries by creating space to exchange views on what each country is doing to tackle energy and climate change challenges and to discuss options for collaboration bilaterally and in multilateral arenas. The Track II Dialogue participants offered the following ideas to help further bolster clean energy and climate cooperation between India and the United States:

  • Minimize the potential for trade disputes involving support for renewable energy by harmonizing policies, conducting early consultations on policies affecting renewable energy trade, and exercising restraint before initiating WTO disputes

  • 创建一个印度美国。气候弹性合作伙伴关系绘制节奏的经必威官网是真的吗验

  • Establish a framework for phasing down emissions of hydrofluorocarbons

  • Under the existing Joint Clean Energy R&D Centers (part of PACE), leverage the whole U.S. Department of Energy R&D ecosystem of technologies to address opportunities in India and build capacity in science and engineering to enable innovation

What are the top issues that New Delhi should focus on to help achieve energy security for India?

India, like the United States, needs to think strategically about how to achieve energy security, economic development, and environmental sustainability simultaneously. Typhoons and heat waves are growing in intensity. Sea-level rise threatens to inundate population centers. Warming will significantly affect crop yields and therefore food security. Urban areas choked with pollution are suffering hundreds of thousands of premature deaths. Lessening and avoiding the damage from these must be part of any strategy to seek gains from energy development. Moreover, India is heavily dependent on imports of oil (over 70%) and coal (11%), making home grown renewable energy an important option for improving energy security. With falling renewable energy prices, it is becoming easier to solve the simultaneous equation of environmental sustainability and development, a point which if recognized can add momentum to achieving both goals. KPMG sees conventional power costs rising and solar prices falling, with parity in 2017–19 or even earlier for some sectors such as industrial and commercial consumers.


What opportunities are there within India to shift toward increased energy efficiency?


energy experthas said that rather than building new, mostly carbon-emitting generation facilities, “investment in a more efficient electricity grid would do wonders for both [India’s] energy security and the environment,” adding that “today, India’s transmission and distribution losses are astounding.” [8] Another important opportunity for increased efficiency is in building codes, made critical by the massive urbanization expected in coming years. Buildings in India already consume over 30% of electricity and two-thirds of the buildings that will exist in 2030 will be built between now and that date. As an example of what can be done, the city of Hyderabad recently adopted an “energy conservation building code” for commercial and high-rise residential buildings, expected to garner major energy savings. There is a key role here for state and local governments working with the private sector to reap huge benefits for the low-carbon future. Another area for stepped-up action on efficiency is fuel economy, where India is moving forward with new standards but has greater potential. Though India has looked to the vehicle standards of the European Union, the measures in India are not as advanced.

India has repeatedly advocated for LNG imports from the United States as part of its energy security plan. Could you speak to what role greater gas consumption might play in helping meet India’s energy needs in a sustainable manner?


While shale-gas potential is generally seen as greater in other parts of the world, cooperation under the U.S.-India Strategic Dialogue includes shale-gas resource assessments and sharing lessons on extraction. If pursued with the precautions mentioned above, this initiative could contribute to the larger effort to explore the use of natural gas in a strategy to shift to a low-carbon path for sustainable development. While natural gas is not a long-term climate solution, if upstream methane emissions are reduced to the extent technologically feasible, it can be a first step toward reducing carbon dioxide emissions in the power sector. Natural gas can also help integrate additional renewable generation into the grid, as gas turbines can cycle down quickly when the sun is shining and the wind is blowing, and cycle up quickly as needed.

Do you have anything else to add?

在恩斯特和青年吸引力指数中,美国,中国,德国,日本,英国,加拿大和印度在法国,韩国,巴西,西班牙,墨西哥,墨西哥和印度都是前七名其他。该指数还显示了加拿大,英国和德国在宏观稳定性方面的相对优势。英国,加拿大和美国在易于开展业务方面领先;日本,印度,德国和中国领先优先考虑可再生能源。尽管美国总体而言,但报告指出,随着“国会僵局继续阻碍美国政策”,差距正在缩小。所有国家都将从新的努力中受益,每个国家都有特殊的优势来利用和改进领域。从印度和印度 - 美国近距离观察的故事。上面描述的合作是,共同努力,我们的两个国家可以改善我们的努力并获得巨大的好处。我们可以通过面对气候变化和能源安全的挑战,并增强经济增长,就业以及人类健康和福祉来受益。必威官网是真的吗

This interview was conducted by Sonia Luthra, Assistant Director for Outreach at NBR.