在我们的一生中,世界可能没有广泛的,极端的贫困,取而代之的是,共同的繁荣,环境和财政平衡。那是世界银行总裁吉姆·金(Jim Yong Kim)在他的第一次华盛顿特区的春季会议last week.

In a period of economic uncertainty, social exclusion, and climate and environmental crises, these goals hold immense promise. At the same time, for an institution already grappling with its redefined role in the coming decades, the Bank’s current capacity to support this vision will be tested.

TheCommon Vision for the World Bank Group该银行将于4月20日获得世界银行发展委员会的批准,其中包括银行将朝着:

  • alleviating extreme poverty by dropping the percentage of people living on less than U.S.$ 1.25 a day to 3 percent by 2030, and

  • promoting shared prosperity by fostering income growth of the bottom 40 percent of the population in every country

These two core goals are supplemented by the Bank’s understanding that they cannot be achieved without credible action to ensure environmental sustainability, especially on climate change.

The “High-Hanging Fruit” of Poverty and Environment

该银行已经面临的挑战 - 并在国际社会面前提出的挑战是巨大的。正如金正日总统和联合国秘书长班基·蒙(Ban Ki-Moon)在4月19日的讲话中说的那样,全球发展议程的简单部分已经完成 - 主要是在中国令人印象深刻的副牛群上骑行减贫成就over the last thirty years. Achieving the goals of the Vision will require tackling the complex, “high-hanging fruit” that remain. But with societies in socio-economic flux and a shifting landscape of development finance, the abilities of our existing institutions, including the World Bank, to usher in this new world will be tested as never before.

AtWRI的春季会议面板, we discussed the extent to which multilateral development banks (MDBs) are mainstreaming economic, social, and environmental considerations. Since there are usually additional costs associated with designing sustainable projects, panelists argued that in many cases the MDBs have to present opportunities as part of a “business case” that balances current needs with wider considerations. This could be linked with incentives provided to both internal staff for them to incorporate sustainability principles into project design, and for client countries.


Finally the panel concluded that the World Bank and other MDBs must support countries so that the use of these tools can be “institutionalized,” rather than siloed in individual projects.

The Bank’s2012 Environment Strategylaid out a roadmap for rolling out these measurements in projects in the coming months, which will be a promising start on the climate-related aspects of sustainability.

Turning the Common Vision into Reality

A shift in the way the World Bank tackles poverty and shared prosperity will only have the desired effects if it catalyzes and coalesces efforts by other lenders and institutions. Whereas the Bank may have once been the sole source of development finance for many countries, it now operates in a crowded landscape. However the institution still serves as a source of best practice, on社会和环境保障并作为国际气候金融的渠道。必威官网是真的吗换句话说,银行发生的事情具有更广泛的含义。

即将到来的WRI研究将研究银行如何将可持续性的各个方面纳入其项目 - 那些运作良好的项目以及将来需要更多关注的项目。认可共同的愿景是世界银行的重要一步。将其转变为现实将需要在贷款层面上进行勇敢的观点转变 - 始终如一地优先考虑穷人的需求,并通过在各个级别的气候变化考虑方面进行整合。必威官网是真的吗