On New Year’s Day, Antonio Guterres became the ninth Secretary General of the United Nations. During his political career in Portugal and his decade leading the United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR), Guterres has been recognized as a passionate advocate for social justice and equality, drawing on his skill for consensus building, ensuring that every voice is heard and everyone has a seat at the table.


I was privileged to participate and witness first-hand Guterres’ unwavering commitment to engage with civil society. He reminded us that while at UNHCR he created the High Commissioner’s Dialogues on Protection Challenges, a unique setting that allowed all stakeholders -- states, non-governmental and intergovernmental organizations, the academic and research communities and other stakeholders – to speak at the same level. He stressed the value of a real strategic dialogue with NGOs, and said he was open to ideas about how to ensure a permanent flow of communication between civil society and governments to help structure and advance strategies, policies and actions by the UN. This he considers essential.

Though deeply mindful of the realities of political economies, Guterres showed an invigorating willingness to tackle the root obstacles that hold us back from addressing the historic challenges ahead. These challenges include his three key priorities: peacekeeping, development and preventive action, and reform of UN management. When he expanded on these at the meeting, his unequivocal commitment to human rights, to radical inclusiveness and participation, to gender parity, to the protection and engagement of children and youth, shone through. He also stressed the importance of horizontal integration across the spheres of human rights, peacekeeping and sustainable development.

他还表明了他对气候变化和资源稀缺在加剧紧张局势和不稳定中所发挥的作用的敏锐理解。必威官网是真的吗在earlier remarks在难民专员办事处任职期间,他强调了这些大型人对安全的影响以及他们为难民和移民危机做出贡献的方式。

Creating an Arc of Ambition

When he took the oath of office on December 12, Guterres told the UN General Assembly that he believed that the围绕巴黎协议的势头我非常同意,这是不可阻挡的 - 没有回头路。现在,我们不仅要继续前进,而且要加快解决机会减少的挑战的努力。

Thus it was encouraging that both he and the deputy secretary general designate, Amina Mohammed, were receptive to a proposal WRI put forward at the gathering with civil society representatives: that together, we create an Arc of Ambition, starting in 2017 as a foundational year and continuing over a series of coming milestones.

Quite simply, the Arc of Ambition is based in the recognition that we have a limited time to act to limit temperature rise to 1.5 degrees C (2.7 degrees F) above pre-industrial levels, the lower and safer temperature goal of the Paris Agreement. Beyond that threshold, we enter uncharted climatic terrain that will severely challenge our economies and societies. Our actions must reflect this urgency. The good news is that efforts to combat climate change and promote sustainable development are mutually reinforcing. This short window of time is a unique opportunity to create a trajectory of truly unstoppable momentum to help galvanize action that curbs emissions, builds resilience to climate impacts and delivers on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

在这个野心的弧线期间,我们必须利用许多重要的事件和里程碑。这将是基本的一年,2018年在许多领域都是关键的一年。那时,《巴黎协定》要求进行促进的对话,以为各国增强气候努力奠定基础,而当政府间的气候变化小组将发出一份重大报告,审查最新科学,以限制温度升高到1.5 c。必威官网是真的吗。2018年是执行《巴黎协议》的规则手册。非国家参与者(城市,企业,投资者和其他人)也可能会有一个重要的峰会,以展示如何投资于气候和相关工作。必威官网是真的吗同时,2030年可持续发展议程的高级政治论坛(HLPF)将继续评估2017年和2018年关键问题的进展,并在2019年,2030年议程的高级峰会将举行。

我们认为,2018年在联合国举行的高级气候峰会将加强必威官网是真的吗indelible linkages between climate action and sustainable development,展示雄心勃勃的国家气候计划的进展,并在第二年创建了通往可持续发展高级峰会的门户。必威官网是真的吗

这些时刻中的每一个都将成为雄心壮志的基本里程碑,这使我们的全球社区跨越了包容性,韧性和可持续性。这一轨迹将持续到2020年,当时我们希望根据《巴黎协定》越来越有目的的国家气候计划,到达巴黎领导下的2023年全球股票,直到2025年,以更加雄心勃勃的气候行动,直到2030年,直到2030年进必威官网是真的吗行可持续发展的交付,并最终退出到2050年 - 我们必须达到零温室气体排放的世纪中叶目标。

No one can do this alone. And yet each one of us, and those still to come, depend on exactly such decisive action. It is therefore profoundly encouraging that we set out on this journey with a new secretary general who understands the tough demands that underpin these universal agendas, and who is committed to active and inclusive engagement. He has called for peace. These are indeed the foundations of peace.