The United States is grappling with serious economic and environmental challenges – from经济增长缓慢torising greenhouse gas emissionsescalating impacts of climate change. Policymakers have traditionally addressed these challenges separately, but there’s one policy that can address them together—a carbon price.

Wri的新论文,Putting a Price on Carbon: A Handbook for U.S. Policymakers,是研究使发射器支付其产生的碳污染的概念的系列中的第一个。正如标题所暗示的那样,Handbooksets out the lay of the land around the different carbon-pricing models—such as cap-and-trade and carbon taxes—and can be used as a “how-to” guide for what to consider when designing a carbon-pricing policy.

重要的是重燃a national conversation on this topic—for the good of the planet and the economy.

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此后已经快六年了全面的气候立法必威官网是真的吗passed either house of Congress. In the absence of Congressional action, the Obama administration has proposeda numbermeasurestoreduce整个经济中的温室气体排放。而WRI分析显示that these measures can help the United States meet its靠近-中期必威官网是真的吗气候目标,现有的法律机构不足以实现长期减少排放目标。一项为温室气体排放付出代价的政策可能只是门票。

We’ve already seen the climate benefits carbon pricing yields at the local level and internationally. Nine northeastern states have participated in apower sector cap-and-trade programsince 2009, and California’seconomy-wide cap-and-trade programwent into effect in 2012. Globally, almost 40 countries and more than 26 sub-national jurisdictions have implemented carbon-pricing programs that cover approximately12 percent的global greenhouse gas emissions, some of which have been in effect for超过20年. One of thoseearly adopters,丹麦,已经看到它的排放量落在nearly 33 percentsince 1990.

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Click to enlarge.

但是,碳定价政策不仅仅是气候 - 它们也是经济政策。必威官网是真的吗


When the price of carbon-intensive fuels and goods increases, the government takes in new revenues, which it can put to use in any number of productive ways. In this way, a carbon price can achieve several policy goals simultaneously.

例如,来自政治领域的政客comprehensive tax reform. A carbon-pricing policy would provide the opportunity to reduce taxes on things we want to encourage (such as work and investment) by discouraging things we want less of (greenhouse gas emissions). It’s no wonder that such a win-win opportunity has the support of anoverwhelming majority of economists,the American public不列颠哥伦比亚省的居民,七年前制定了该政策。由于其实施的收入中性税收互换,该省使用了碳税收入来减少其他税收。现在有lowest personal income tax ratesin Canada and one of the lowest corporate income tax rates in North America.

Deficit reduction is another priority ofDemocrats and Republicans alike,碳定价收入可用于偿还联邦债务。其他supportsimply returning all of the revenues to consumers in the form of lump-sum dividends. This would ensure minimal government involvement and that lower-income households are not negatively affected. While the carbon price itself would spur innovation in clean energy technologies, the government can enhance that incentive by using revenue to support research and development – a proposal that haspolled wellamong the American public. Of course, policymakers could decide to mix and match among these options, as well as others that are discussed in more detail in theHandbook.

Moving Toward a Low-Carbon Economy

研究显示that curbing climate change and growing the economy可以而且必须gohand-in-hand. A well-designed carbon price can help the United States achieve its climate goals while improving economic efficiency and fostering growth.

在接下来的几个月中,我们将发布一系列问题摘要,这些简介更深入地深入研究碳价格时出现的众多问题中的一些问题。我们希望帮助重新点燃一场长期休眠时间的全国性对话 - 重点是气候和经济政策的融合。必威官网是真的吗