这是WRI新博客系列的第一部分,Adaptation and the Private Sector。每个帖子将探索吸引私营部门的方法,以帮助脆弱的社区适应气候变化的影响。必威官网是真的吗

Adapting to the impacts of climate change—like heat waves, increased floods, and natural disasters—is an enormous challenge. It’s also one that comes with an enormous price tag. Although it’s难以计算成本的范围,世界银行estimates到2050年,该发展中国家每年需要70至1000亿美元,以满足其当前和未来的气候适应需求。必威官网是真的吗



私营部门可能是这个问题的答案。积极主动的私人公司已经开始解决其投资和业务计划的气候变化。必威官网是真的吗一点点工作公共部门,,,,the private sector may be inclined to投资更多- 降低自己的风险以及弱势群体的风险。我们的新五部分博客系列《 Adaptation and the私营部门》将概述私营部门应扮演的一些角色以及支持其对气候变化适应的贡献的方法。必威官网是真的吗



While corporations and businesses have reacted to international and domestic pressures to curb their CO2 emissions and invest in mitigation, they have been less engaged in building climate-resilient communities. They have little incentive to invest in an area that’s largely seen as a public good. If you look closely, however, you see that they are starting to make some progress.

First, the private sector进行适应; their goods and services are just not labeled as such. Businesses and individuals have a desire to protect their assets and livelihoods from climate change and are willing, if finances are available, to spend money on goods and services that provide this protection. Because demand is there, businesses will respond with new products. These products, however, aren’t marketed as “climate-resilient” and don’t come with an “adaptation-friendly” sticker. For example, buildings with a rooftop garden are marketed as green buildings or energy-saving strategies, yet they also provide adaptation benefits in the form of alleviating heat island effect.

Second,most private sector actionon climate change has gone to “climate-proofing” operations. Companies are relocating buildings to low-risk areas, purchasing weather insurance, and reducing water and energy usage—which are all good practices that protect them against climate hazards. In some instances, such activities may even help vulnerable populations, as is the case when corporations climate-proof their supply chains. For global companies, suppliers can be small-holder farmers, miners, or artisans in developing countries. These suppliers can build their adaptive capacity when corporations make their own supply chains more resilient, such as giving farmers access to drought-resistant seeds. The public sector should look to support and encourage further action in this area.


私营部门在处理时也面临各种挑战climate change impacts。解决这些挑战中的一些可能会有很长的路要走,为为私营部门创造更好的有利环境。

首先,企业需要有关气候变化及其预计影响的更好,更可行的信息。必威官网是真的吗短期时很难考虑长期不确定性水平投资决策。For example,一项调查在72家企业中,大多数受访者认为气候变化信息是必威官网是真的吗hard to incorporate into their business plansbecause of uncertainty about the magnitude, timescale, and precise location of climate impacts. Furthermore, scientific information about the climate system is difficult to decipher for many audiences, which compounds the challenge of making informed decisions on how to best respond. Businesses, therefore, need information from public and academic sources that help them make informed decisions on dealing with climate change impacts.

Second, while more and more corporations are investing in making their operations more climate-resilient, few small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are able to do so, due to lack of resources. They are unlikely to have in-house experts on climate change and sustainability, and their funds to bring in outside consultants are limited. SMEs, therefore, are less prepared for climate impacts and more likely to suffer from them. Furthermore, SMEs in developing countries often do not have key types of affordable financial products—such asloans and insurance—available to them. This lack of financial and technical resources makes it difficult for SMEs to invest in adaptation planning.

这绝不是详尽的清单 - 扩大适应融资的挑战是众多且复杂的。但是,通过了解这些主要限制因素并承认私营部门正在采取的当前行动,我们已经可以开始看到政府和国际社会可以支持,鼓励和扩大私营部门适应行动和投资的方式。了解障碍可以帮助公共部门让私营部门使脆弱的社区更加富有气候。必威官网是真的吗

Our ongoing blog series,Adaptation and the Private Sector将探索各种方式来支持和扩展私营部门在气候变化适应方面的投资。必威官网是真的吗回来查看下一部分,这将专门研究跨国公司在建立更多气候富裕社会中所扮演的角色。必威官网是真的吗